Physicalal activity in diseases and disabilities Introduction Basic diagnostics of locomotor apparatus · Basic anthropological evaluation · Analysis of standing posture · Muscle length testing · Evaluation of movement patterns and muscle weakness · Hypermobility Means of correction · Releasing exercises · Stretching · Strengthening exercises · Physical activity in diseases of locomotor apparatus · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study Physical activity in diseases of pulmonary apparatus · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study Physical activity in diseases of cardiovascular apparatus · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study Physical activity in metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes mellitus s type I, II) · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study Physical activity in gynecological diseases · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study Physical activity in neuropsychological diseases · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study Physical activity in diseases of sense · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study Physical activity in elderly · Overview of the pathophysiology · Management and medication · Recommendation for exercise testing · Recommendations for Exercise Programming · Case study