Autumn Semestr 2011 ERASMUS MOBILITY Pavel Korvas ž27.9. Introduction, content of ST, macrostructure of sport training, basic idea, basic terms, history ž11.10. The aim of ST and Sport Performance, Structure of SP ž18.10. Adaptation to SP, load ž25.10. The components of ST, motor abilities, endurance ž1.11. Practical lesson: endurance - methods, training means ž8.11. Speed and strength, precondition for good performance level, methods, training means ž ž15.11. Practical lesson: strength and speed development ž22.11. Motor skills, motor learning, technique, coordination ž29.11. Practical lesson: development of skills, coordination, technique ž6.12. Planning in sport training, diagnostic in sport ž ž13.12. Test