Football UNIT 2 Why is it important to learn English? Think about the following questions: • How important is English to you? • How do you think soccer players use English? • How important do you think it is for them? Watch the interviews with four Premier League players and find out! Task 1 – Collocations Choose the correct word to complete each phrase. One phrase has no missing word. For this phrase, choose '–'. a – in in of to up with 1. communicate __ ___ people 2. learn _____ English 3. everywhere ___ __ the world 4. first _____ all 5. give you _____ chance 6. my advice _____ the English kids 7. communicate _____ English 8. never give _____ 9. be aware _____ where you are Task 2 – Who said ...? Match the players with what they said. Write the letter next to the player's name (a, b, c or d) in the gaps. Use the same letters for all eight questions: a. Vincent Kompany b. Serge Gnabry c. Alex Kacaniklic d. José Fonte 1. _____ 'English is the first language of the world so I think it's very important.' 2. _____ 'You need to know a little bit of English so you can communicate with everyone.' 3. _____ 'For me it's important to know it. 4. _____ 'My advice to the English kids would be to learn other languages, too.' 5. _____ Who said he learnt English as a child? 6. _____ Who said he likes the English phrase 'we're off'? 7. _____ Who said he likes the phrase 'never give up'? 8. _____ Who doesn't have a favourite phrase in English? Task 3 – Order the sentences Put the words in the correct order to make sentences from the interviews. 1. spoken there It's language the is. most _________________________________________________________________ 2. communicate You other people can with from cultures. _________________________________________________________________ 3. important know It's to it. _________________________________________________________________ 4. speak I any literally language. _________________________________________________________________ 5. like give I 'never up'. _________________________________________________________________ 6. where you Look... be Always of are. around aware ______________________________________________________________