Unit 4 Athletic Injuries Task 1 General vocabulary - Quiz 1. The floor is wet, you might___________ a) trip b) slip c) fall 2. She has a ___________ arm. a) broke b) snapped c) broken 3. Your room is very messy, you might _____________ over all those cables. a) kick b) fallen c) trip 4. I hit my arm hard against the table and now I´ve got a big ______________. a) bruise b) break c) cut 5. He __________ the stairs, but he´s OK. Don´t worry. a) fell off b) fell out c) fell down 6. While cycling he rode over a rock and __________ his bike. a) fell off b) fell down c) fell out off 7. He wasn´t careful and _________ his hand on the stove. a) cut b) bruised c) burned Task 2 Sports injuries - Vocabulary Check the pronunciation of these words: inflammation - concussion – contusion – fracture – meniscus – cartilage – recovery – severe - chronic Study the list of injuries below. Do you know their Czech equivalents? Which of the injuries have you suffered? Which are most serious? Can you estimate the time needed for recovery after some of the injuries? Achilles Tendinitis The Achilles tendon attaches the muscles of the lower leg (gastrocnemius and soleus) to the heel. Achilles tendinitis is inflammation of this tendon generally caused by overuse or a direct blow. Cruciate Ligament Injury The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) attach the thighbone (femur) to the shinbones (fibula and tibia) acting to stabilize the knee joint. The ACL and PCL can be injured primarily by rotational forces on the knee. ACL and PCL sprains are categorized as first, second, and third-degree. Concussion A concussion is caused by a direct blow to the head. Depending upon the severity of the concussion, injury can cause varying levels of impairment of brain function. Concussions are categorized as mild (grade 1), moderate (grade 2), or severe (grade 3) depending upon symptoms. Contusion A contusion is basically a deep bruise that is caused by direct impact. In football we generally hear about quadriceps (thigh) contusions. Dislocation A dislocation occurs when the ball of a joint is forced out of its socket (i.e. arm forced out of the shoulder joint). A dislocation must be reset by proper medical professionals. Fracture A fracture is a break, crack, or shattering of a bone. In closed fractures, the broken bone does not pierce the skin, while in open fractures, the broken bone breaks the skin's surface. Meniscus Injuries The medial and lateral menisci are the cartilage shock absorbers located inside the knee joint. These can be damaged by excessive twisting, turning, or compression at the knee joint, which produces tears. Due to the poor blood supply, meniscal injuries generally require surgery for repair. Sprain This is an injury that involves the stretching, partial tearing, or complete rupture of a ligament. Sprains are categorized as first, second, or third degree. Sprains occur when a joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion, such as turning or rolling your ankle. Stinger A stinger, also called a burner or nerve pinch injury, is a very common injury in football. This injury involves a stretch or compression of the brachial plexus (a complex system of nerves that involve the back, neck, shoulders, and arms). Stingers generally cause shooting pain down the arm(s). Strain Strains are injuries that involve the stretching, partial tearing, or complete tearing of a tendon. Strains are categorized as first, second, or third degree. Chronic strains are injuries that gradually build up from overuse or repetitive stress. (http://www.fftoolbox.com/football/football_injury_glossary.cfm) Task 3 Injuries - Causes and symptoms Which of the below are the causes and which are the symptoms of sports injuries? Can you think of some other causes and symptoms? * athletic equipment that malfunctions or is used incorrectly * weakness and pain * falls * limited range of motion * swelling * forceful high-speed collisions between players * instability or obvious dislocation of a joint * inability to move a limb * wear and tear on areas of the body that are continually subjected to stress * muscle spasm Task 4 Listening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwJHit6j5QU&feature=related) How to prevent youth sports injuries Discuss the questions below with your partner before you listen – how would you answer? Then listen to an interview with a sports program director talking about prevention of injuries and note down his answers. 1. What causes the increase in youth injuries? 2. How many kids are hurt annually? 3. What are the 6 tips given to parents to prevent an injury of a child? 4. What is the most dangerous sport for girls and why? Task 5 Treatment of injuries A) Match the words below with pictures: elastic bandage wrap – sling – knee sleeve – arm splint - sticking plaster - knee brace Výsledek obrázku pro elastic bandage wrap pictures Výsledek obrázku pro sling pictures B) Complete the text with the expressions below: reduction - promoted – malunion – splint - fixation – heal When the fragments of a broken bone (1) __________ and join together, they unite. Union may be (2) _________, or helped, by reducing the fracture – replacing the fragments in their anatomical position if they are displaced. After (3) ___________, excessive movement of the broken bone is prevented by (4) _____________ - either external, e.g. a (5) ________ or plaster of Paris cast, or internal, e.g. a plate and screws. A displaced fracture which is not reduced may result in (6)________ - incomplete or incorrect union. (Adapted from: http://medtalk.up.seesaa.net/image/Bones_.pdf) Task 6 Taking medical history - useful phrases These are the categories of questions a PT may ask at an initial session with a patient. Add some more. 1. Family: - How old are you? - 2. Job - What do you do for living? - 3. Home/living situation - Where do you live? - 4. Life style/ Recreational activities - Do you take any exercise? - 5. Allergies, medications - Has your doctor prescribed you any tablets for your condition? - 6. Illnesses, operations, injuries - Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? - 7. Aids, assistive devices - Do you wear a brace or back support? - 8. Pain and musculoskeletal symptoms - Are you in pain? - 9. Intensity - Is it mild, severe, or very severe? - 10. Location - Does it spread down your legs? - 11. Quality - Is it sharp, dull, constant or intermittent? - 12. Onset, duration - Does it come and go? 13. Alleviating and aggravating factors - Does anything special bring it on? - 14. Effects of pain/ symptoms on daily functions - Does it stop you from bending or reaching for something? - 15. Neurological signs/ symptoms - Do you have any tingling sensation in your hands or feet? - 16. Breathing - Do you gasp for air? - 17. Concluding remarks: - What do you think is the matter with you? - (Adapted from: GOGELOVÁ, Helena. Angličtina pro fyzioterapeuty. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2011. 314 s ;. ISBN 9788024735313.)