KONDICIONÁL I. kondicionál If she trains hard, she will achieve her goals. We will go out tomorrow, if the weather is good. Pravidlo přítomného času ve vedlejší větě časové platí i po spojkách when (až), while, unless, in case, as soon as, before, after, until, např. We must do something before it is too late. I hope to improve my French while I am in Paris. Unless something unexpected happens, I´ll see you tomorrow. I´ll take my umbrella in case it rains later. II. kondicionál If she trained hard, she would achieve her goals. We would go out if the weather was good. III. kondicionál (tzv. nereálný, vyjadřuje spekulaci o tom, co se mohlo stát v minulosti, kdyby byla splněna určitá podmínka, děj už však nelze změnit). If she had trained hard, she would have achieved her goals. We would have gone out if the weather had been good.