Word formation Complete the following sentences by adapting the word given in brackets. 1. Matt is very __________________. He wants to be number one at everything. (COMPETE) 2. Harry loves cars and he's so ____________________ about them. (KNOWLEDGE) 3. There is little ____________________ of the president being re-elected. (LIKELY) 4. In ____________________ with Tokyo, London and Paris are relatively cheap. (COMPARE) 5. The film was so ______________. You knew exactly how it was going to end. (PREDICT) 6. It has been ____________________ proven that stroking a cat can lower your blood pressure. (SCIENTIFIC) 7. Thanks to the large ____________________ from her grandmother Paula was able to buy a villa in the south of France. (INHERIT) 8. You need to ____________________ the final point of the presentation. It's rather confusing. (CLEAR) 9. The film turned out to be a big_______________________. It was really quite boring. (DISAPPOINT) 10. The ____________________ between the city's two football teams is often quite fierce. (RIVAL) 11. Lizzy has just won a ____________________ to a world-renowned university. (SCHOLAR) 12. It's ____________________arguing with them. They are not going to change their mind. (POINT) 13. You will need your parents' ____________________ if you want to go on the school trip. (PERMIT) 14. Thank you so much for the flowers. It's very ____________________ of you. (THOUGHT) 15. Don't forget to ________________ the modem when you have finished using it. (CONNECT) 16. Oliver's CV is truly ___________________. He's bound to get the job. (IMPRESS) 17. What ____________________ does your doctor recommend for the flu? (TREAT) 18. We had a big ____________________ about whose turn it was to write the laboratory report. (ARGUE) 19. The interviewer asked me about my strengths and ____________________ (WEAK) 20. My friends gave me a lot of ____________________ when I was worried about my final test. (ENCOURAGE) 21. To my ____________________, I was offered a very interesting job. (AMAZE). 22. He has just returned from a ____________________ 10-week industrial internship for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Undergraduates. (PRESTIGE)