Unit 10 Cardiovascular rehabilitation Task 1 Speaking What do you do for the health of your heart? Task 2 Quiz What do you think the following numbers refer to in the context of the cardiovascular system? Discuss in pairs. 1. 300 grams 2. 5 liters 3. 60 seconds 4. 78% 5. 1967 Task 3 Cardiac rehabilitation Complete the gaps with the expressions below: referral mortality failure expand focuses relief tailored effective Cardiac rehabilitation has evolved over the past decades from a simple monitoring for the safe return to physical activities to a multidisciplinary approach that (1) …………. on patient education, individually (2) ……………. exercise training, modification of the risk factors and the overall well-being of the cardiac patients. It has been proven to be an (3) ……………. tool for the care of the patients with heart disease. Recent research in cardiac rehabilitation has demonstrated that tremendous benefits can be derived from the optimal use of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with various cardiac pathologies including ischemic heart disease and heart (4) ……………. . The benefits of cardiac rehabilitation include (5) ………….… reduction, symptom (6) ……………., reduction in smoking and improved exercise tolerance. Unfortunately, cardiac rehabilitation remains underused mainly because of (7) ……………. problems. The development of alternate approaches and the use of transtelephonic and other means of monitoring and surveillance will help (8) ……………… the use of cardiac rehabilitation. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3839175/) Task 4 Vocabulary How would you explain the following terms to a patient in lay terms? Match the expressions below with the following: sleeping pills pills for blood pressure pain killers trouble with sleeping the pill pills to reduce swelling pills to improve your mood heart attack Insomnia Myocardial infarction Analgesics Anti-depressants Anti-inflammatories Hypertension medication Hypnotics Oral contraceptives Task 5 Modal verbs Complete the gaps with suitable modal verbs (can, may, must, have to, should, be able to…) An explanation of angina Having examined you, I´m confident that you´re suffering from angina. The heart is a pump. The more you do physically, the harder it ____________ work. But as we get older, the blood vessels which supply oxygen to the heart begin to harden and get furred up, so they become narrower. They ________ supply all the oxygen the heart needs. The result is the pain you feel as angina. Because you are experiencing pain at rest as well as on exertion, I´m going to have you admitted to the coronary care unit right away so that your treatment ___________ start at once. You´ll be given drugs to ease the pain and I expect you´ll have an angiogram. They ___________ advise surgery or angioplasty – that´s a way of opening up the blood vessels to the heart so they __________ provide more oxygen. You _________ try to give up smoking. You ___________ smoke at all in hospital so it´s a good time to stop. I expect the treatment will improve your pain at least and ____________ get rid of it completely. We __________ never be absolutely certain about the future but you __________ remain optimistic. Do you have any questions? (Adapted from Glendinning, Howard – Professional English in Use – Medicine, Cambridge University Press, 2007). Task 6 Listening Listen and answer the following questions: Where did he have the pain? What symptoms did he have? When did they call the ambulance? Has he had any major surgery? What are the pros and cons of the treatment the doctor suggests? Now complete the gaps according to what you have heard in the listening. D: He’s actually OK. He is a bit more stable. W: That’s a _____________. W: We _____________ (sit) at home and he _____________ (start) getting this pain in the centre of his chest. He _____________ (have) it several times before and he _____________ (use) the spray thing he has got. W: And so he _____________ (give) himself a few puffs but the pain wouldn’t go and I _____________ (can) see that he _______________ (get) breathless and agitated… D: What we’re going to do, with your _____________ , is to give your husband something to help get rid of any _____________ … D: By the looks of it, it’s all gone very well and he’ll be _____________ in no time. … Task 7 Make questions using the unfinished prompts. Write the questions down. Present Illness 1) What/can for you? 2) What/seem/the problem? 3) How/it/start? 4) How long/troubling you? 5) Where/hurt? 6) What/the pain/like? 7) How long/feeling/like this? 8) What/cause/the pain? 9) anything/the pain/make worse? 10) anything/the pain/make better? 11) You/experience/it/before? Family History 12) Your parents/alive? 13) it/run/your family/in?