Jazyková kompetence I Session IV Essay Writing: The Basics II Main body 1. Cohesion Cohesive language includes the words or phrases used to connect written ideas or information together to form a text. Authors first introduce an idea or subject, and then add more information about it. This means they need to refer to the idea again, using reference words like this work, their or it. Look at the text and decide exactly which part each word/ phrase in bold refers to. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the essential argument of heredity versus environment emerged. These terms are often known as ´nature´ and ´nurture´ respectively. Essentially the arguments are concerned with the extent to which intelligence is inherited through the genes a person is born with (heredity, or nature), or formed through a person´s life and their surroundings (environment, or nurture). Complete the paragraph using the words/ phrases below. There are two words you do not need. it respectively that (2) the these these terms these theories this who Intelligence is a concept ………………. has interested thinkers for many hundreds of years. ……………….. has been seen as either mainly hereditary or environmental. ……………….. refer to ´nature´ and ´nurture´ …………… . Based on ……………… two perspectives, differing theories emerged. …………….. remain controversial to this day. The idea …………. intelligence is genetically determined has been strongly criticised, while ………………. assumption that intelligence can be accurately measured by IQ tests is also widely disputed. 2. Transitions Task A) What are these transitions used for? a) therefore, thus, consequently, as a consequence, as a result b) in addition, also, finally, moreover, furthermore c) however, on the other hand, whereas, while, yet, but, despite, in spite of, although, nevertheless d) first, second, next / firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally / initially, subsequently, ultimately e) in this case, for example, for instance, to illustrate, to demonstrate f) in brief, in conclusion, finally, in summary, to sum up, that is to say, all in all, as a result, in short 1. To introduce an opposite idea or show exception 2. To introduce an example 3. To indicate a result / cause of something 4. To logically divide an idea 5. To summarise and conclude 6. To introduce an additional idea (http://academichelp.net/general-writing-tips/essentials/common-transitions.html) Task B) Choose suitable transitions for the following sentences: a) Knowledge can be acquired from books, despite / whereas / also skills must be learned through practice. b) It´s a difficult race. Despite / On the other hand / Nevertheless, about a thousand runners participate every year. c) Doctors are short of time to listen and although / while/ consequently tend to prescribe drugs whenever they can. d) This is one possible solution to the problem. Despite / However, / For instance, there are others. e) We were unable to get the funding and therefore/ nevertheless/ however had to abandon the project. f) Many people are successful in their jobs despite / however/ although the fact that they have no university diploma. Task C) Complete the gaps with these phrases, there is one phrase that you will not need: Furthermore for example despite in particular apart from all in all also therefore Argumentative Essay: The Importance of Sports Participation in sports is extremely important, and should be encouraged much more. Children and young people (1) ________________ need to do sport so that they develop good habits that they can continue into adulthood. The main benefits of sport are improved health and fitness, and the development of social and communication skills. With more than a third of adults in the USA being classed as obese, and many more being overweight, it has never been more important to participate in sports. People that do sport on a regular basis are burning more calories than those that don’t, and are (2) ___________ less likely to end up overweight. Being a healthy weight means that you will be less likely to die young and suffer from heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes and a range of other conditions, and if you already eat well, it can give you an extra calorie allowance so you can treat yourself without feeling guilty about it. (3)____________ improving cardiovascular health and fitness, exercising is also good for the musculoskeletal system, making muscles more supple and toned, and improving the strength of bones and joints. People who do sports will be stronger and more able to lift and carry heavy things, which is also always useful, and they are less likely to become really weak and frail as they get older because their bodies are strong. (4)____________, doing sports can improve mental health as well as physical health, with exercise being helpful for people with depression and a range of other mental health issues, because it releases good chemicals into our brains. It (5)___________ makes people feel better about their bodies, which can make them happier, and reduces the risk of eating disorders and crash dieting, as people make more sensible, healthy changes to their lifestyle. Sports also allow people to develop personally. Social and communication skills can be learned and developed through sport. Teamwork, (6)_________, is naturally learned through participating in team sports and games. Communication skills can really be honed, as they are at the centre of any team’s success, and a lack of them leads to failure. Many people will also develop leadership skills through sport, often discovering abilities that they never knew they even had. Many people’s self-esteem improves through sport as they discover things that they are good at and improve their body. Participating in any competitive sport also improves our ability to handle pressure and still perform well, as well as teaching us how to win and lose graciously. (7)_________, the fact that playing sport is good for us is completely undeniable, because it helps our minds and bodies, and ultimately means that we will be living longer, happier lives. (http://www.scholaradvisor.com/essay-examples/argumentative-essay-importance-of-sports/) 3. Being formal Academic language should always be clear and logical, but it should also conform to its own genre or style. Academic English, particularly when written, is usually described as ´formal´ language. The formality of academic writing is characterised by the following: a) An impersonal rather than a personal style, including the use of structures that begin with it and there, rather than personal pronouns I, we and you. Complete each sentence with it or there. 1. ……………. has been argued by educationalists that a greater number of male teachers at primary school level might improve the performance of young boys in the classroom. 2. …………….. was some evidence in the survey that British people still feel closer links with the USA than with their fellow citizens in the EU. 3. …………….. needs to be a proper exploration of the causes of the riots. 4. ……………. may be preferable for the newspaper industry to regulate itself. b) A tendency to base structures around nouns rather than verbs (nominalisation). Example: If countries continue to burn the forests, they are likely to destroy much of the local flora and fauna. → The continued burning of the forests will lead to the destruction of the local flora and fauna. Transform the sentences using nominalisation. 1. The presenter questioned whether some of the research was relevant. → The ……………………. of the research was questioned by the presenter. 2. The country´s infrastructure has been improving over the last two years. → There has been an …………………. in the country´s infrastructure over the last two years. 3. The performance of men and women was very similar in this respect. → There are numerous …………….. in the performance of men and women in this respect. c) The use of formal vocabulary Math each phrase with one of the more formal words below. distribute advisable occupation deteriorate unacceptable negotiations in addition therefore further due to submit resign also give out hand in job quit get worse so wrong/ very bad talks a good idea more because of Conclusion 1. Read the features of a conclusion below. Not all of them appear in the conclusion of all essays. - A reference to research - Summary and reference to the title - A statement of limitations - Recommendations for the future - A reference to findings Identify these features in the conclusion below. The discussion has shown that social and emotional , including intrapersonal, intelligence have a crucial part in the medical environment. We have considered the role of research, but it has not been possible to cover all of the latest research. What is clear, however, is that the three types of intelligence can improve job-seekers´ chances in the job market. Training in these types of intelligence should be offered not just on medical courses, but even as early as secondary school with greater allocation of educational investment. 2. Write a conclusion for the essay title and plan below. Add a recommendation for the future. Title: In recent year, greater emphasis has been placed on learning work skills at university rather than pursuing intellectual development for its own sake. Outline the reasons behind this trend. Introduction Since the end of the last century, the types of courses that students have been studying at university in European countries have been changing, with greater emphasis on the establishment of more business schools and more courses tailored to the workplace. Limitations = restricted to European countries Research = statistics show an increase in students studying business and acquiring MBAs Thesis statement In this essay I plan to outline the main reasons why university students are having to put more emphasis on work skills as opposed to pure intellectual development. Topic sentences for body paragraphs Par. 1: There is greater competition for jobs in the workplace than ever before Par. 2: The job market is more fluid with more skilled workers from all over the world