Vegetable Oils as Clearing Agents •Abstract •Three types of vegetable oils namely, groundnut oil, coconut oil and palm kernel oil were investigated in this study for their clearing ability in wood histology. The vegetable oils were compared with the conventional clearants like xylene and clove oil. Using a Riechet microtome sliding machine, sections of wood that were about 20 μm were prepared and cleared in each of the oils. Under a light microscope, the results showed that sections cleared in the vegetable oils did not show any sign of distortion as details of wood features were distinct and clear after processing in the vegetable oils. The study concluded that the vegetable oils could be used as substitutes for xylene and clove oil. The respective photo micrographs are hereby presented showing their efficacy after slide preparation. On the accounts of health hazards and cost of conventional clearing agents, the study also recommended groundnut oil, coconut oil and palm kernel oil as alternative clearants in wood histological processes. •Keywords: Clearants; Dehydration; Sections; Oils; Xylene; Clove-oil • Quantitative Ethnobotanical Survey of Traditional SiddhaMedical Practitioners from Thiruvarur District with Hepatoprotective Potentials through In Silico Methods •Abstract •The aim of the present study was to document the knowledge of traditional Siddhamedical practitioners from Thiruvarur district in Tamil Nadu, India, and to quantitatively analyze the data to identify some useful leads of medicinal plants and to screening the phytocomounds. Field study was carried out for a period of 1 year in Thiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu. The ethnomedicinal information were collected from Siddha medical practitioners. The collected data were analyzed through quantitative analysis. The molecular docking studies were performed three marketed drugs and eleven different medicinal plant compounds against HBeAg using Schrodinger suite. A total of 33 species of plants distributed in 22 genera belonging to 22 families were identified as commonly used ethno medicinal plants by traditional Siddha practitioners in Thiruvarur. An interesting point in molecular docking study is that luteolin is an effective inhibitor for the inhibition of HBV when compared to commercial drugs. Traditional Siddha medical practitioner and remarkable medicinal plant knowledge and uses were documented for the study area. •Keywords: Siddha practitioners; Phytocompounds; Hepatitis B virus • Review on Brucellosis Sero-prevalence and Ecology in Livestock and Human Population of Ethiopia •Abstract •The economic and public health impact of brucellosis remains of concern in developing countries. The disease can generally cause significant loss of productivity through abortion, still birth, low herd fertility and comparatively low milk production. In Ethiopia brucellosis prevalence studies have been conducted in different agro-ecology of the country. But, in general there was information gap on disease dynamics, identification of strain circulating in the region. The paper reviewed the distribution of brucellosis in different regions of Ethiopia and its prevalence among different livestock hosts. Risk factors for the occurrence of brucellosis and finally, different strategies for the control and prevention of brucellosis under Ethiopian conditions are discussed. •Keywords: Agro ecology; Brucellosis; Ethiopia; Human; Livestock • Age-related changes in the relationship between alcohol use and violence from early adolescence to young adulthood •Abstract •Background •Despite the accumulation of studies examining the link between alcohol use and violence, no studies to our knowledge have systematically set out to detect age-related differences in these relationships. This limitation inhibits important insights into the stability of the relationship between alcohol use and violence among youth across varying ages. •Method •Study findings are based on repeated, cross-sectional data collected annually as part of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health between 2002 and 2013. We combined a series of nationally representative cross-sections to provide a multi-year string of data that, in effect, reflects a nationally representative non-traditional cohort. We conducted logistic regression analyses to examine the cross-sectional association between non-binge and binge drinking and violent attacks among youth between ages 12 (2002) and 24/25 (2013). •Results •With respect to the association between non-binge alcohol use and violence, the only significant relationship identified—while controlling for sociodemographic and drug use factors—was for youth at age 13 (2003; OR = 1.97, 95% CI = 1.04–3.72). For binge drinking, we identified a distinct pattern of results. Controlling for sociodemographic, drug use factors, and school enrollment, binge drinking was significantly associated with violence between ages 13 (2003) and 20 (2010) with the largest odds ratios observed during the early adolescent period. •Conclusions •Non-binge drinking is associated with violent behavior at age 13. Binge drinking was found to be associated with violence among youth through age 20; however, the relationship dissipates when youth arrive at the legal drinking age of 21. •Keywords: Alcohol; substance use; violence; aggression; adolescence; youth Trajectories of abstinence-induced Internet gaming withdrawal symptoms: A prospective pilot study •Abstract •Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is positioned in the appendix of the DSM-5 as a condition requiring further study. The IGD criteria refer to withdrawal symptoms, including irritability, anxiety, or sadness, that follow cessation of Internet gaming (APA, 2013). The aim of this study was to prospectively examine the nature of Internet gaming withdrawal symptoms, if they occur, under gaming abstinence conditions. This study employed a repeated-measures protocol to examine the cognitive-affective reactions of participants undertaking an 84-h Internet gaming abstinence period. The sample included individuals who met the IGD criteria as well as those who regularly played Internet games but did not meet the IGD criteria. Outcome variables included affect (positive and negative), psychological distress (depression, anxiety, stress), and Internet gaming withdrawal symptoms (craving/urge, thoughts about gaming, inability to resist gaming). A total of 24 participants (Mage = 24.6 years, SD = 5.8) were recruited from online gaming communities, and completed a series of online surveys before, during, and after abstaining from Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games. Both the IGD group and the non-IGD group experienced an abstinence-induced decline in withdrawal symptomatology, negative affect, and psychological distress. The IGD group experienced its largest decline in withdrawal symptomatology within the first 24 h of abstinence. These preliminary data suggest that gaming withdrawal symptoms may follow, at least initially, negative linear and quadratic trends. Further prospective work in larger samples involving longer periods of abstinence is required to verify and expand upon these observations. •Keywords: Internet Gaming Disorder; DSM-5; Withdrawal; Abstinence; Craving; Addiction Booze and butts: A content analysis of the presence of alcohol in tobacco industry lifestyle magazines •Abstract •Background •Advertising influences people's health behaviors. Tobacco companies have linked tobacco and alcohol in their marketing activities. We examined how depictions of alcohol were placed in lifestyle magazines produced by tobacco companies, and if these references differed depending on the magazine’s orientation, if it was towards men, women, or if it was unisex. •Methods •Content analysis of 6 different tobacco industry lifestyle magazines (73 issues), including 73 magazine covers, 1558 articles, 444 tobacco ads, and 695 non-tobacco ads. •Results •14 of 73 (19%) magazine covers featured alcohol; 581 of 1558 (37%) magazine articles mentioned alcohol; 119 of 444 (27%) tobacco ads showed alcohol images; and 57 of 695 (8%) non-tobacco ads portrayed alcohol. Male-oriented magazines (Unlimited, CML, andReal Edge) contained the most alcohol references, and the references were mainly beer, mixed drinks, and liquor or spirits. Female-oriented magazines (All Woman and Flair) contained the fewest alcohol references, and wine and mixed drinks were the major types of alcoholic beverage portrayed. For the unisex magazine (P.S.), the frequency of alcohol references fell between the male- and female-oriented magazines, and the magazine most frequently mentioned mixed drinks. •Conclusions •Frequent depictions of smoking and drinking in tobacco industry lifestyle magazines might have reinforced norms about paired use of tobacco and alcohol among young adults. The pairing of tobacco and alcohol may particularly target young men. Anti-tobacco interventions need to address the co-use of tobacco and alcohol, change the social acceptability of smoking in social settings, and tailor anti-tobacco messaging by gender. •Keywords:: Tobacco; Alcohol; Lifestyle magazine; Young adult; Content analysis