Aim of the course: The objective is to instill and enhance appropriate practice in single player game activities and basic team-based game combinations. The students will learn offense game activities following the methodological sequence (shooting, getting open without ball, getting open with ball standing and on the move, passing, rebound ) and basic defensive game activities - basic defensive stance and movement, player covering with and without ball, defensive rebound, defensive player activities in power play). The students will further learn to execute basic game combinations. Teaching methods: Seminar in practicing single player game activities and team-based game combinations. Self-study of the game rules for further understanding of the game and study of basketball characteristics from the given literary sources. Evaluation methods: Practical test from single player game activities and team-based game combinations. The students will be tested in: Dribbling and lay up – including getting open with ball; change of hand and direction while dribbling; dribbling between cones; rebound after lay up. Pair passing with a shot. All the relevant rules must be followed and the game activities properly executed. Scoring is not assessed, but the shooting must be properly executed and the ball must touch the rim. Game situation 3 on 3 – the offensive players start with only passing the ball on their half of the court and continue according to the game rules, including dribbling, on the offensive halfcourt and attempt to score. If they score the players‘ roles change - the deffensive players become offensive and start by throwing the ball in from the baseline. In case the offensive team do not score, the game continue until they score or the defensive team get the ball (e.g., in defensive rebound). In this case the roles of the teams change without a throw-in from the baseline. The game situation must be conducted without rules violation and properly executed both offensively and defensively with the emphasis on single player game activities.