Unit 9 Health and Illness, Athletic Injuries Discuss in pairs: 1. How would you define a health? 2. How would you define an illness? 3. How do you look after your health and keep fit? 4. What do you do which is bad for your health? 5. Do you have health insurance? 6. Have you ever had any operations? 7. Are you allergic to anything? 8. Are you taking any medications? 9. Are you in good shape? 10. Do you take regular exercise? 11. Do you care about healthy eating? 12. Do you follow a personal fitness programme, do you always stick to your programme? 13. In general, have you kept fit over the last two years? 14. Have you ever donated blood? 15. When did you last visit a doctor? What does a doctor do during a usual check-up? 16. Have you ever had physiotherapy? 17. What do you imagine under the term alternative medicine? What do we call the type of alternative medicine which: 1. uses herbs and other natural plants? 2. uses oils which smell nice and are rubbed into your body? 3. uses needles to stick into specific parts of your body 4. uses tiny amounts of substances which cause the illness the doctor is trying to cure? 5. manipulates your spine and bones to ease backache and other pains? Task 1 Complete the sentences with the following words: Dosage, prescription, allergic to, medication, symptoms, vaccination, sick note: * I can´t take penicillin, I am ............................... to it. * Before you take those pills, read the label to see what the correct.................. is. * I´m going abroad next month so I have to get the necessary ....................... * If you consult a new doctor you should tell him or her if you are already on any ....................... * Did the doctor give you a ...........................? Do you want me to take it to the chemist´s for you? * I told the doctor my ..........................., but I don´t think she was listening. * The doctor gave me a .......................... for my employer. I was off work for two weeks. Task 2 Which do you think the doctor said to each of the following patients in A? Choose from part B “What does the doctor prescribe?” A Medical problems * 1. Anne with bad sunburn. * 2. Liz who´s broken her leg. * 3. John who´s off to the Tropics. * 4. Paul with flu. * 5. Liz with a bad cough. * 6. Sam who needs his appendix out. * 7. Rose suffering from exhaustion. * 8. Alf who´s sprained his wrist. B What does the doctor prescribe? * a/ Take one three times a day after meals. * b/ Take a teaspoonful last thing at night. * c/ Rub a little on before going to bed each night. * d/ We´ll get the nurse to put a bandage on. * e/ You´ll need to have some injections before you go. * f/ I´ll ask the surgeon when he can fit you in for an operation. * g/ You´ll have to have your leg put in plaster. * h/ I think you should have a total bed rest for a week. Task 3 Injuries - Quiz 1. The floor is wet, you might___________ a) trip b) slip c) fall 2. Your room is very messy, you might _____________ over all those cables. a) kick b) fallen c) trip 3. I hit my arm hard against the table and now I´ve got a big ______________. a) bruise b) break c) cut 4. He __________ the stairs, but he´s OK. Don´t worry. a) fell off b) fell out c) fell down 5. He wasn´t careful and _________ his hand on the stove. a) cut b) bruised c) burned Task 4 Sports injuries – reading and speaking Study the list of injuries below. Do you know their Czech equivalents? Which of the injuries have you suffered? Which are most serious? Achilles Tendinitis The Achilles tendon attaches the muscles of the lower leg (gastrocnemius and soleus) to the heel. Achilles tendinitis is inflammation of this tendon generally caused by overuse or a direct blow. Cruciate Ligament Injury The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) attach the thighbone (femur) to the shinbones (fibula and tibia) acting to stabilize the knee joint. The ACL and PCL can be injured primarily by rotational forces on the knee. ACL and PCL sprains are categorized as first, second, and third-degree. Concussion A concussion is caused by a direct blow to the head. Depending upon the severity of the concussion, injury can cause varying levels of impairment of brain function. Concussions are categorized as mild (grade 1), moderate (grade 2), or severe (grade 3) depending upon symptoms. Dislocation A dislocation occurs when the ball of a joint is forced out of its socket (i.e. arm forced out of the shoulder joint). A dislocation must be reset by proper medical professionals. High Ankle Sprain A high ankle sprain involves stretching or tearing of the large ligament (sydesmotic ligament) that joins together the two bones of the lower leg (fibula and tibia). Meniscus Injuries The medial and lateral menisci are the cartilage shock absorbers located inside the knee joint. These can be damaged by excessive twisting, turning, or compression at the knee joint, which produces tears. Due to the poor blood supply, meniscal injuries generally require surgery for repair. Sprain This is an injury that involves the stretching, partial tearing, or complete rupture of a ligament. Sprains are categorized as first, second, or third degree. In football, the most common sprain is to the hamstrings. Strain Strains are injuries that involve the stretching, partial tearing, or complete tearing of a tendon. Strains are categorized as first, second, or third degree. (http://www.fftoolbox.com/football/football_injury_glossary.cfm) Task 5 Match the wounds and injuries to their definitions and most appropriate example. Wound or Injury Definition Example A. incision An injury to the skin that results in the skin being cut or torn open. It can be shallow, only injuring the surface skin, or deep, causing injury to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels or nerves. A laceration is generally jagged, since the skin is torn instead of cut. Receiving a blow to the head in a boxing match. B. laceration This is created when a sharp object enters the skin. These wounds are usually small and do not bleed a lot. Although these wounds tend to close over quickly, they still need treatment as infection is a possibility. A high speed impact to the leg in a skiing accident. C. Abrasion A tear or break in the continuity or configuration of an organ or body tissue, including those instances when other tissue protrudes through the opening. Stepping on a nail D. Contusion Common sites include the arms, legs, hips, ribs and skull. They vary in severity. When they are ‘closed’, the skin remains intact. When they are ‘compound’, they involve bone penetration of the skin. A deep wound resulting from a motorcycle rider’s leg impacting another object. E. Puncture wound A cut in the skin caused by a sharp object such as a knife or broken glass. They are ‘neat’ and the edges of the skin are usually smooth. Blunt trauma to the upper part of the abdomen. F. Fracture A kind of closed wound, meaning that the skin is not broken. They are caused by blunt force trauma to the skin that results in tissue damage. When the blood vessels under the skin are broken, blood pools under the skin causing a coloured mark. A wound from a razor blade. G. Rupture A type of wound in which the skin is scraped or rubbed off. They are usually superficial wounds, meaning that only the outer layers of skin are affected. A deep one that penetrates to the inner layers of skin can leave a scar. They are most common on the knees and elbows. A person who falls from a bicycle at speed, and slides some distance. Adapted from: http://www.livestrong.com/article/101274-five-types-wounds/ Which of the above terms can be covered by the terms grazed, cut, broken, burst and bruised? Task 6 Treatment of injuries Which of the pictures below shows: elastic bandage wrap – sling – knee sleeve – arm splint - sticking plaster - knee brace Task 7 Listening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwJHit6j5QU&feature=related How to prevent youth sports injuries Listen to an interview with a sports program director talking about prevention of injuries and note down his answers. 1. What causes the increase in youth injuries? 2. How many kids are hurt annually? 3. What are the 6 tips given to parents to prevent an injury of a child? 4. Which injuries are mentioned? 5. What is the most dangerous sport for girls and why?