Unit 8 Geriatric Physiotherapy Task 1 Speaking A) Complete the phrases below and then discuss the quotes using the phrases: Agreeing so about point more be I totally/fully/partly agree. I couldn’t agree _______. There is no doubt ________ it. Exactly. You have a very good _____ here. I think _____ too. Yes, definitely. You may/could _____ right but ….. Disagreeing say think sure case serious so mean up I don’t think ____. But don’t you ______ that…? I see what you _______, but… That’s not always the ________. I suppose so, but… I’m not so ______ about that. I wouldn’t ______ that. I agree ______ to a point, but… You can’t be _______! Rubbish!/Nonsense! Quote 1: The key to successful aging is to pay as little attention to it as possible. (Judith Regan) Quote 2: The great secret that all old people share is that you really haven't changed in seventy or eighty years. Your body changes, but you don't change at all. And that, of course, causes great confusion. (Doris Lessing) Quote 3: To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old. (Oliver Wendell Holmes) B) Rate the adjectives describing a personal quality on a scale from 10 (the most important) to 0 (the least important) for a long life: sociable independent religious healthy wealthy relaxed intelligent C) According to researchers, people who live long lives often work hard. How do you think this helps them to live longer? Task 2 Health Conditions As the human body ages, it is susceptible to various changes. Can you classify the changes into the categories below? Cardiovascular Bone Muscle Cognition * Reduction in blood flow and levels of chemical neurotransmitters * Reduced levels of minerals, bones become less dense and more fragile * Sarcopenia * Increased stress on the heart to maintain oxygen levels in the body * Reduced growth hormone * Blood vessels and arteries stiffen * Reduced attention and memory * Susceptible to osteoporosis and fractures * Increased risk of cardiovascular disease * 10% loss of brain volume after aged 80 * Also affecting respiratory and gastrointestinal systems Task 3 Reading A) Discuss the questions below, then compare your answers to those in the text: - What is geriatric physiotherapy? - Which health problems is it aimed at? - What methods are frequently used in this branch of physiotherapy? Use of Physiotherapy in Geriatric Treatment Physiotherapy can be quite beneficial to elderly patients. Geriatric rehabilitation or geriatric physical therapy is the branch of medicine that studies rehabilitation and physical therapy issues in the elderly. It became a formally recognized specialty within physiotherapy in 1989. Geriatric physiotherapy deals with problems of several different types in the older population. One type is issues that arise when an elderly person is out of the habit of moving and exercising and using their limbs. Physiotherapists use range-of-motion exercises and other therapies to get the person into better shape and able to function at a higher level. Geriatric physiotherapy also can help with cardiovascular health. Through such therapies as electrical stimulation, exercise, and aqua therapy, the physiotherapist can help reduce the risk of, or aid recovery from, heart disease or stroke. The elderly are also highly prone to arthritis, osteoporosis, and other skeletal problems. Because of the fragility of some elderly patients, geriatric physiotherapists use milder, more cautious therapies. But among the things they can work on with elderly patients are basic balance and motion issues to decrease the risk of falls, since what would be just a fall in a younger person can often result in serious injuries such as a broken hip in an older person. People who have had knee or hip replacement surgery sometimes have difficulty getting used to walking and everyday activities due to the changes in their body. Geriatric physiotherapy can use exercise and other therapy during the post-surgery rehabilitation period to make the person more comfortable getting around. (Adapted from: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5766418/the_use_of_physiotherapy_in_geriatric.html?cat=5) After you read: Explain the meaning of the words in italics. Task 4 Listening TIPS TO PREVENT FALLS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pCVacKQBsI) Watch the video and answer the questions: 1. What injuries has Libby had? 2. Which walking aid does she use to be more confident? 3. What are the main reasons for falls in older people? 4. What are the 5 steps people should implement to prevent falls? Extra speaking task: Study the “Fear avoidance model” and comment on it. http://www.physio-pedia.com/images/3/38/Fear_avoidance_model_%28Falls%29.PNG Task 5 Language: Used to and be/get used to Study the structures and give examples: used to + infinitive: to talk about things that happened in the past – actions or states – that no longer happen now E.g. …………………………………………………………………………………………… be used to + - ing: to talk about things you are accustomed to - you don’t find them unusual E.g. …………………………………………………………………………………………… get used to + –ing: to become accustomed to sth. – it was strange, now it’s not so strange E.g. …………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: Be/get used to can be used with past, present and future tenses. E.g. You might find this exercise strange at first but you’ll soon get used to it. He wasn’t used to the heat and caught sunstroke. Complete the sentences with used to/ get used to (be getting used to)/ be used to. There are more options in some sentences. 1. She ______ be a long distance runner when she was younger. 2. I ______ driving on the right. 3. I _______ eat meat but I became a vegetarian 5 years ago. 4. I can’t ________ to getting up so early. I’m tired all the time. 5. He _______ the weather here yet. He’s finding it very cold. 6. Since we had the baby I __________ not getting enough sleep. (http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-reference) Think about the things you used to do, things you are getting used to and things you are used to. Tell your partner. Task 6 Tai Chi - Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-GFreeZTow What are the main benefits of Tai Chi for older adults? Watch again and complete the gaps with one word: A person will come into a Tai Chi class because they have ………….. at least once and they are ………….. about where that fall will lead. The purpose of Tai Chi is to ……………. strength and to prevent falls. Participants will learn how to prevent falls from ………….. . They will strengthen their muscles, they will …………… the fear of falling because that is often also a factor in provoking …………… falls. So people come out of these experiences stronger, better informed and less …………… .