24 Injuries 1 Basic vocabulary Translate the words in colour: 1. There was blood all over the place. 2. Do you bleed easily? 3. The operation Doly left a small sear. 4. The bruise wil1disappear in a few days. . . . . 5. Are you in pain? 6. Look where the car seratehed me. 7. His injuries are all fairly mince. 8. This wound was caused by flying glass. . . . . 9. My ankle is very swollen. 10. I've got a horrible blister on my foot. 11. I've sprained my wrist. 12. Be careful or that wasp will sting fOU. 2 Accidents Matchthe followingexpressions withthe pictures below: 1. I've broken my arm. 2. I've sprained my wrist. 3. I've eut my thumb. 4. I've burnt my hand. 5. I've got a nosebleed. 6. I hit my head. 7. I got an electric shock. 8. I got stung by a bee. 9. I twisted my ankle. a. ? Wounds and injuries Match the phrases with the pictures: He's been injured. He's been wounded. 1. ~~ ,, Now complete the following sentences with the words below: injured ln)ury wound wounded 1. lts quite a deep . . . . . . .. . You'll probably need stitches. I'll take you to the hospital. 2. Venus Wil1iams was unable to finish her match because of a shoulder . . . . . . .. . 3. My grand-dad was . . . . . . . . in the war. He got shot in the leg. 4. There was a train crash in London this morning. Several people are seriously . .. . Which of these words go with injury and which go with wound? slight knife interna! deep bullet back sports stah ......... ... .. .. . . ... ... ... lnJury wound . . . ... ...... . . . .. .... ... ... ... In spoken language it is common to use hurt instead ofinjured. For example, "Did you hear about the train crash this morning? Quite a lat of people have been hurt." In sport we always use injured. "Ronaldo is injured and will miss the next five matches. " Taken from: Gough, C. (2001) English Vocabulary Organiser - 100 Topics for Self-Study. Hove: Language Teaching Publications. 4 Hurting yourself Complete the followingdialogueswiththe phrases below: a. bumt myself b. cut myself c. scratched myself d. injured myself 1. You've got blood on rour face. > I know, rve just . . . . . . . . shaving. 2. What have you done to rour band? > I . . . . . . . . taking something out of the oven last night. I don't think its too serious. 3. Have you ever been horse-riding? > Yes, once, blit I fell off and . . . . . . . .quite bacily. I've never done it since. 4. Whats the matter? > I've just . . . . . . . . myself on that rose bush. 5 lts badly bruised Match the phrases with the pictures: 1. He's unconscious. 2. lts bleeding. 3. lts bruised. 4. lts swollen. 5. He's got a black eye. 6. He's got a bad scat under his eye. 6 It was agony Complete the sentences using these words: . agony blood black pa in scratch blisters a.She'sinalotof . b. I'm . . . . . . . . and blue all over. c. There was . . . . . . . . everywhere. d. My feet are covered in . . . . . . .. . e.ltsjusta . f. Ir was absolute . . . . . . . . ! Now use the language above to complete the followingsentences: 1. I ran in the London Marathon on Sunday. I'minagony.My ! 2. Don'tworry. .I'llget you a plaster. 3. I think we'd better call an ambulance. She's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4. My brother cut the top off his finger with a kitchen knife last night. ,....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . S. I shut my fingers in the car dcer this morning.lwasin . 6. I played rugby again yesterday. It was VERY physical. ......................... this morning. Have you ever broken a hone, been knocked unconscious, cut yourself badly, or had a black eye? Add your own words and expressions 55