11. Finding meaning + 12. Transcendence Why do I need my life to make sense? Why do I want things to have a meaning? What is the difference between my external mission (what I should do), and what is my internal mission (what I want)? What is the connection between meaning and stress? During the course I have experienced different techniques, that can get me to flow: meditation, dai ly gratitudes, random acts of kindness, exercise and journaling. Which of those have "clicked" with me and why? How can I learn more about this two topics? What else do I want to remember about this two topics? Homework: REVIEW YOUR (dream about) LIFE LIVED WELL Instructions: Once or twice during this week take out your notes from this seminar and review our (Dream about) Life Lived Well. Cross out things that don't make sense anymore, add things that are missing. Make it sound "just right", you will know when it happens, it just "clicks" together, makes sense. … and write down your comments, thoughts, feelings from this exercise. What was it like? What did you learn? How did your buddy help you with learning this week? And how did you help him/her?