3. Sensing Why do we have senses? How do our senses work? How can I use my senses better/healthier during the day? How can I learn more about the topic of Sensing? What else do I want to remember about this topic? Homework: GO FOR A AWW-WALK INSTRUCTIONS: Turn off your cell phone. Cell phones (and other gadgets) can be distracting and draw your attention away from what’s happening around you. Even better, don’t bring your phone with you at all so that you won’t be tempted to check it. Tap into your child-like sense of wonder. Young children are in an almost constant state of awe since everything is so new to them. During your walk, try to approach what you see with fresh eyes, imagining that you’re seeing it for the first time. Go somewhere new. You’re more likely to feel awe in a novel environment where the sights and sounds are unexpected and unfamiliar to you. That said, some places never seem to get old, so there’s nothing wrong with revisiting your favorite spots if you find that they consistently fill you with awe. The key is to recognize new features of the same old place. … and write down your comments, thoughts, feelings from this exercise. What was it like? What did you learn? How did your buddy help you with learning this week?