VOLUNTEER – who is who ? lYOUR personal experience H1 lFree decision, no payment l lFIND YOUR COUNTRY LEGISLATION H1 lEuropean legislation lwww.dobrovolnik.cz l l l l 2. VOLUNTEERING lNational traditions: SOKOL (since 1868) lFirefighters lFarming lHealth Care lDefence – territorial Army l l l 3. VOLUNTEERING lHumanitarian area: lRED CROSS l blood donation …bone marrow lMedicals Without Borders lassisting services l lDisasters: floods, typhoons, earthquakes lAdra ... l l l l l 4. VOLUNTEERING 2011 – EU the year of the volunteers lChurch lEcology and environment lTourism – signs for orientation lExample – Melbourne, G.B. (my experience: Oversea Holidays, Sue Ryder Foundation) lActivity of elderly (reading in hospitals, netting…) lPhysical activities, sports – typical l 5. Volunteering lTime : one-off (day, weekend, course) l permanent (regular schedule rozvrh) l long-term (format like mission) l medical, education, sports lVarious positions and award l l 6. SPORTS VOLUNTEERING lStudents – seniors: One-off activity - eg marathons, run for health, additional services lParents … lGroup leadership (coaching) – kids, youngsters l lGLEN - INEX, APA-disasters, APA – disaster Sport for development, fotbal against powerty l l 7 TRENDS in volunteering lDecreasing number of volunteers – young lIncreasing number of seniors l lWHY? lGlobal possibilities, lEconomy consequences l l 8 Current VOLUNTEERING l 2000 – 2002 (CR, Poland EU chairmanship) l accent on year-round work (group leadership), attention to the "advantage" of volunteering: taxes, parking, clothing, education .... l SPORTS EDUCATION in CR: FSpS, Palestra, l EU – legislation lWhat is in your country, university? H1 9. The status of the volunteer l - no salary, finance (sometimes pocket l money) - free access - ALWAYS - education, training - ALWAYS - T-shirt, uniform - jersey ??? - accommodation, boarding ??? - way to place - usually NO 10. Princip dobrovolnictví lParticipation from your own will, enthusiasm lFree-of-charge - or contribution to the implementation of the event Experience from Britain lAdvantage: enthusiasm, economic benefit lDisadvantage: due to enthusiasm errors of inexperience 11. Trends in volunteering 2 linformation, education, young people social inclusion (EU-2011 debate) linvolving disadvantaged people (under supervision). Example SO: persons with ID as volunteers l lSocial contact - practice 12. Selection - recruitment of volunteers lCriterion: content and duration of action Students, employees, seniors lAge limit - 16 years (12 years?) lFull responsibility - 18 years TRAINING (education levels in the EU) 13. Requirements for the volunteer lenthusiasm, responsibility, flexibility, ladequate abilities, skills, lexpertise in relation to the situation, lstrong nerves, lsense of humor Benefit: dissemination of ideas, experiences, practice, personal maturing l 15. EU – levels of education // training lWeekend event - 4 - 6 hours Weekly event (camp events - 32 hours) Specific training for the event Why Education? Safety and Correctness (Insurance System) Quality of the event lPrevention … 15. Self-reflection H 1 lH1 YOUR personal experience : have you ever been „volunteer“? Describe. lH1 Find your country legislation. lH1 Education: What is in your country, l university? lPictures, photos, documents - availble lWritten – printed, PAPER: Nov 2nd, 2018. l l Group – selection: l??? lZlín – footbal, bowling, weekend lDvur Králové – TT, weekend lBrno – permanent every week l lSO - introduction 1ST BLOCK l l lEND