nk2100 Zkouška z anglického jazyka Požadovaná je úroveň B2+ dle CEFR , kromě obecné angličtiny se testuje také zvládnutí akademického jazyka a terminologie z oblasti sportovní vědy. (CEFR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_European_Framework_of_Reference_for_Languages) Studijní materiály naleznete v ISu pod kódy volitelných předmětů v2044 a v2047 (volitelné přípravné kurzy pro zkoušku z AJ v kombinovaném programu). Typ testu: písemný test (min. pro splnění je 60%) + ústní zkouška Váhy jednotlivých subtestů: Poslech: 10% Čtení: 15% Gramaticko-lexikální část: 30% Psaní: 15% Ústní zkouška: 30% Typy cvičení v testu Poslech: úkol, kde doplňujete chybějící výraz do shrnujících vět; Čtení: - úkol na doplnění slov z banky do textu (viz. ukázka č. 1); - úkol na porozumění textu, kde doplňujete zpátky do textu části vět (viz. ukázka č. 2); Gramaticko-lexikální část: - slovní zásoba - překlad terminologie (viz. ukázka č. 3) - tvorba otázek (viz. ukázka č. 4) - slovotvorba – odvozování slovních druhů (viz. ukázka č. 5) - gramatika - multiple choice (a,b,c,d), nebo větné transformace (viz. ukázky č. 6) – hlavní testované jevy: základní časy; trpný rod, nepřímé otázky, způsobová slovesa (can, could, may, should, must, have to + jejich zápory), spojky (although, because, because of, despite, however, unless, while, in case, due to, etc.), kondicionál 1,2,3 Psaní: - argumentativní text na dané kontroverzní téma (hodnotí se vyjádření myšlenky, struktura, slovní zásoba, spojovací prostředky, gramatika) Ústní zkouška: - odborná rozprava na téma vlastního výzkumu, studia, diplomové práce Ukázky testových úkolů 1. Doplnění slov z banky Read the following text and fill in the gaps with suitable words from the list. You do not have to change the form of the words. There are 2 words you do not need to use. storing production performance shown perform linked results impaired improve decrease Athletes need quality sleep to 1________________ their best. In fact, numerous studies have 2___________ that even a small amount of sleep deprivation can dramatically 3_______________ athletic performance. The reasons for this are not entirely clear, however research points to the role of glucose metabolism and cortisol (a stress hormone) 4___________ as a major factor. 5____________ of studies on sleep deprivation found that sleep deprived athletes don't metabolize glucose very efficiently, and have higher levels of cortisol, which has been 6___________ to memory impairment, age-related insulin resistance, and 7_____________ recovery. Another potential problem of poor sleep is lowered levels of the hormone leptin, which play a role in regulating hunger as well as 8______________ body fat. 2. Doplnění částí vět do textu Seven parts of sentences have been removed from the text below. Choose from the removed parts (A-G) the one which fits each gap. Write the appropriate letter next to a number, e.g. 4A. A: they walk them B: according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement C: that there probably is an association between pet ownership and decreased cardiovascular risk D: is needed to more definitively answer this question E: causes reduction in cardiovascular risk F: to get the recommended level of physical activity. G: do not necessarily prove that owning a pet directly causes a reduction in heart disease risk Pets May Help Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease Having a pet might lower your risk of heart disease, (1) ____________. Research shows that: * Pet ownership is probably associated with a reduction in heart disease risk factors and increased survival among patients. But the studies aren't definitive and (2) _________. "It may be simply that healthier people are the ones that have pets, not that having a pet actually leads to or (3) ____________," Levine said. * Dog ownership in particular may help reduce cardiovascular risk. People with dogs may engage in more physical activity because (4) ___________. In a study of more than 5,200 adults, dog owners engaged in more walking and physical activity than non-dog owners, and were 54 percent more likely (5) __________ . * Owning pets may be associated with lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and a lower incidence of obesity. * Pets can have a positive effect on the body's reactions to stress. "In essence, data suggest (6) ____________," Levine said. "What's less clear is whether the act of adopting or acquiring a pet could lead to a reduction in cardiovascular risk in those with pre-existing disease. Further research (7) ___________." Even with a likely link, people shouldn't adopt, rescue or buy a pet solely to reduce cardiovascular risk, Levine said. 3. Překlad Translate the following phrases into English. namožené svaly, aerobní cvičení apod. 4. Tvorba otázek Ask about the underlined part of the sentence. Last year I studied coaching in Spain. She has written 30 pages of her thesis. He attended the class on Wednesday. 5. Slovotvorba Complete each sentence with a word derived from the word in brackets. Fruit juices can be ……………… to children´s teeth. (HARM) I don´t know anything about science, I´m absolutely …….. at it. (HOPE) 6. Gramatika Circle the correct answer. 1. Could you repeat what you said? I am really ………………. . a) confuse b) confusing c) confused d) confusion 2. We have time enough. We …………………….. hurry. a) mustn´t b) had to c) can d) don’t have to 3. They have transported the patient to hospital. The patient ……………… to hospital. a) has transported b) have been transported c) has been transported d) have transported 4. ……….. we hurried, we didn´t catch the bus. a) Because b) Unless c) Despite d) Although Transform the sentences using the words given. 1. It was a bad idea to train in that terrible weather last week. I should ……………………………………in that terrible weather. 2. They are solving the problem. The problem …………………………………………….. . 3. I trained too hard. I was soon overtrained. If I ………………………….., I wouldn´t have been overtrained. 4. They loved the event although there were a few problems. They loved the event despite ………………………. . Vybrané doporučené online odkazy: Poslech: www.ted.com http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/ https://www.test-english.com/listening/b2/ Gramatika: http://www.englishrevealed.co.uk/fce_grammar.php https://www.test-english.com/grammar-points/b2/ Čtení: http://www.examenglish.com/B2/b2_reading.htm https://www.test-english.com/reading/b2/ Zpracováno pro podzim 2018, vyučující Jana Kubrická (kubricka@fsps.muni.cz)