Unit 11 REVISION LESSON I. Vocabulary revision TASK 1 Human body Where on the body is: the jaw HEAD – the thumb HAND– the thigh UPPER LEG– the navel BELLY/ABDOMEN– the wrist FOREARM– the hip PELVIS - the calf LOWER LEG– the arm pit ARM– the shin LOWER LEG– the cheek FACE/HEAD– the chest TRUNK– the nostrils NOSE – the tongue MOUTH – the ankle LEG– the instep FOOT[INS: :INS] TASK 2 Anatomy 1. What do you call the organ/ organs/ muscles: - which breaks down toxins which enter the body, including alcohol LIVER - in the chest we use for breathing LUNGS - in which babies develop before they are born UTERUS/WOMB - between the lungs and the stomach used mainly to control breathing DIAPHRAGM - squeezes food down to the stomach OESOPHAGUS/GULLET - in which most digestion takes place STOMACH - processes the waste and passes it out of the body INTESTINES - remove waste products from the blood and produce urine KIDNEYS 2. Give English equivalents to these expressions from Latin: femur THIGH BONE – patella KNEECAP – sternum – BREASTBONE clavicle – COLLAR BONE scapula –SHOULDER BLADE tibia – SHINBONE spinal column BACKBONE TASK 3 Injuries – collocations. Fill in the gaps: 1. You can pull/ strain _MUSCLE, TENDON (HAMSTRING, LOWER BACK) 2. You can sprain/ twist LIGAMENT (ANKLE, WRIST) 3. You can dislocate A JOINT 4. You can bruise MUSCLE 5. You can have BLISTERS on your feet because of new shoes. When do we use braces TEETH, compression dressing OEDEMA/SWELLING/BLEEDING, plaster WOUND/FRACTURE , crutch WALKING DISORDERS bandage HOLDING DRESSING OR OTHER MEDICAL DEVICE/RESTRICT MOVEMENT a splint ARM TASK 4 Exercises Perform the following movements: 1. Bend your arm – straighten your arm 2. Raise your arm – lower your arm 3. Lean your head against your shoulder 4. Clasp your hands together in front of you. 5. Grasp your elbow. 6. Tuck your chin so that it touches your chest. 7. Rotate your head from right to left. 8. Arch your back. TASK 5 Words in context Complete the paragraph: Exercising plays a main role in the process of hEALING and rECOVERING from injury or dISEASE This is the goal of physical therapy exercises. STRETCHING and sTRENGTHENING activities are only a few types of physical therapy exercises. BALANCE , jOINT control and muscle re-TRAINING are other types of important physical therapy exercises. (Adapted from: http://www.sciencedaily.com/terms/physical_exercise.htm) TASK 6 Use the following expressions in a sentence: range of motion endurance relief surgery blood flow obesity therapist TASK 7 Give an example of: - acute disease: APPENDICITIS, ACUTE LEUKEMIA, MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION chronic disease VASCULAR DISEASES, COPD, AIDS, HEPATITIS, ARTHRITIS, ASTHMA, CANCER, DIABETES , cardiovascular disease CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE, CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE, DEEP VEIN THROMBOSISISCHAEMIA , childhood disease MEASLES, MUMPS, EAR INFECTIONS, FIFTH DISEASE, CHICKEN POX, RUBEOLLA, WHOOPINF COUGH - equipment used in physical therapy: NordicTrack. Treatment Tables. Ultrasound. Isokinetics. Exercise Bike. Exercise Balls. - methods and techniques used in physical therapy Manual Therapy. Exercise. Hot and Cold Therapy. ... Ultrasound. ... Traction. ... Laser Therapy. ... Electrical Stimulation. ... Education. TASK 8 Translate into English kloub –JOINT vaz – LIGAMENT ztuhlé svaly – STIFF MUSCLES zhubnout – LOSE WEIGHT přibrat ––GAIN WEIGHT terapeut – THERAPIST úzkost –ANXIETY trenažer –TREADMILL hrbit se- SLOUCH, STOOP, HUNCH TASK 9 Word formation Form nouns from the verbs below: treat -TREATMENT improve –IMPROVEMENT recover – RECOVERY weak – WEAKNESS strong – STRENGTH able –ABILITY grow –GROWTH care – CARE prescribe – PRESCRIPTION stiff - STIFFNESS II. Grammar revision 1. Tenses A) Past simple and present perfect Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. Lisa didn´t go / hasn´t gone to work yesterday. She wasn´t feeling well. 2. I´m looking for Paul. Did you see / Have you seen him? 3. I still don´t know what to do. I didn´t decide / haven´t decided yet. 4. Oh! I burnt / have burnt myself. 5. Did you eat / Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child? 6. Lucy earned / has earned a lot of money a year ago. 7. Everything is going well. We didn´t have/haven´t had any problems so far. B) Mixed Tenses Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, present or past simple, present perfect simple or continuous. My daughter..HAS BEEN TRYING.............(try) to find a job for months. She..LEFT......................(leave) university in June, and since then she .HAS HAD...............(have) one or two part-time jobs. She.HAS BEEN WORKING............(work) in a cafe for the last two weeks. She...WANTS............(want) to work in publishing. She....HS WRITTEN............(write) hundreds of letters of application, and she.......HAS HAD.......(have) a few interviews, but no job offers yet. 2. Modals A/ Fill in the gaps with: must, mustn´t, don´t/ doesn´t have to We´ve got plenty of time. We …NEEDN´T……………..leave yet. I´ve got this letter to post. I …MUSTN´T……….forget to post it. You …NEEDN´T…………….wash the tomatoes, they´ve been washed. This is a valuable book. You…MUST……………look after it and you …MUSTN´T…………………….lose it. He …NEEDN´T……………………..wear a suit to work but he usually does. We…MUSTN´T…………..smoke here, it is prohibited. 3. Infinitive or –ing Choose the correct answer: 1. I hope going / to go to Brazil in July. 2. I promise phoning / to phone you every day. 3. We agreed working/to work together. 4. The doctor says you must stop smoking/to smoke. 5. I can´t keep driving/to drive – I´m too tired. 6. The radio isn´t working. – Have you tried changing/to change the batteries? 7. We can´t go on working/work like this. 4. Conditionals Complete the sentences: 1. You will get better soon if you …STICK…………… (stick) to the PT´s advice, 2. She will work abroad after she GRADUATES……………… (graduate) from medicine. 3. The children …WOULD ENJOY……….. (enjoy) the therapy more if it involved more games. 4. The patient would benefit more if he …COMPLIED…………….. (comply) to the programme. 5. Passive voice Form passive sentences. The patient regularly performs her routine. The routine …IS PERFORMED……………….. The patient is performing a strengthening exercise. The exercise …IS BEING PERFORMED………………… The patient will perform the exercise in this session. The exercise …WILL BE PERFORMED………………….. The patient should perform the exercise twice a day. The exercise SHOULD BE PERFORMED……………….. The patient performed this routine when she was in hospital. This routine WAS PERFORMED…………… The patient has just performed her routine. The routine HAS JUST BEEN PERFORMED………………….. 6. Questions Ask about the underlined part of the sentence. 1. The therapist used a new method. What did the therapist use? 2. The therapist helped me get back on my feet. Who helped you get back on your feet? 3. The therapist works with cardiac patients. Who does the therapist work with? 4. The patient has had a major surgery. What kind of surgery has the patient had? 5. The patient suffers from back pain. What kind of pain does the patient suffer from ? (Grammar adapted from: MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use :a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English : with answers. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. x, 379 s. ISBN 0-521-53762-2.)