Presentation Review Form (for bk4003) Presenter: ___________ Reviewer: _____________ Category Notes Structure and Signposting - presentation overview included - time limit (8–10 minutes) adhered to - signposting to signal transitions: · between main sections of the presentation (opening – main talk – closing) · between finer content points/sections/arguments… · towards visually presented information (graphs, charts, pictures) Content and Media - topic relevant and beneficial for audience - topic specific, well-contextualized - arguments well-argued, facts evidence-based - visuals, audio and video smoothly integrated Language - wide vocabulary range (including sports-related vocabulary) and complex grammar structures - fluency and accuracy - use of cohesive devices - ability to explain main concepts/terminology in lay terms - pronunciation and intonation Audience involvement and Rapport - interaction with audience - ability to sustain audience interest throughout presentation Other comments (if any):