CREDIT TEST VOCABULARY 1. Before you take those pills, read the label to see what the correct............................... is. a) vaccination 1b b) symptom c) dosage d) recipe 2. The coming of farming ..................................... a revolutionary change in the human way of living. 1b a) chased b) threatened c) brought about d) maintained 3. You have to _________________ the vegetables for a few minutes in hot oil. 1b a) boil b) grate c) squeeze d) fry 4. He was made redundant, in other words he: a) was on a sick leave 1b b) was dismissed c) worked flexi-time d) got promoted 5. The esophagus belongs to the.................................... system. 1b a) respiratory b) digestive c) integumentary d) nervous 6. Aerobic exercises focus on increasing cardiovascular__________________. 1b a) hassles b) fluency c) flexibility d) endurance Skiing belongs among: a) water sports 1b b) combat sports c) winter sports d) stadium team sports