Final test revision Ligament___ transvers___ scapul___ rupt___ Laesio muscul___ extensor____pollic____ long ___. Corpus vesic___felle___ . Fracturae oss___ili___ et oss ___pub___ . Ruptura traumatic___muscul____ abductor____ digit____ minim____ ped___later____ sinistr____ . Tunica mucos___ or___ , lingu____ et laryng____ . Functio laes___ muscul____ levator____ cost____(PL). Muscul____ sphinct___ urethr___. Condylus lateral____ et medial____ femor_____ . Sulcus tendin___ muscul____ etensor____. Bursa subtendin___ muscul____ . Pars nasal__ oss____ frontal____ In bas____ oss____ sacr____ . Make plural forms of the given nouns and adjectives: Pars subcutanea Margo liber unguis Musculus quadriceps femoris Articulatio capitis costae Radix dentis Find opposites: Operabilis Supraorbialis Dyspnoe Musculus longus Hypertensio Diastole Dystrophia Glandula exocrina Osteosclerosis Form comparative and superlative forms of given adjectives / prepositions. Complete the following phrases using one of the forms: Parvus, a ,um: pelvis _____________________ Infra: membrum ________________ Latus, a, um: muculus_________________ dorsi (superlative) Intra: tunica _______________ oesophagi (superlative) Form new terms using prefixes, suffixes with the given meaning: Luxatio – incomplete luxation Nasalis – situated near the nasal cavities Mobilis – unable to move Caput – equipped with heads Operatio – able to be operated on Plasia - the abnormal growth or development of a tissue or organ Make compound words with given meanings: Haema + stasis - the stopping of a flow of blood Neuron + pathos – a disease of nerves Appendix + ectome – removal of an appendix Enteron + rrhagia – intestinal bleeding Match the definition with an appropriate term: Stop of urine production: oliguria - polyuria - anuria Surgery to create an opening into the windpipe: tracheotomia – tracheostomia – trachelectomia Inflammation of all or a part of the spinal cord : myelitis – myositis – myelosis Pain in the shoulder : ostalgia – otalgia – omalgia