Autumn Term 2017/18 Handout 11 TYPES OF FRACTURES AND RELATED TERMS LATIN ENGLISH EXPLANATION EXAMPLE GENERAL TERMS fractura, ae, f./fractura completa completus, a, um lateris dextri lateris sinistri lateris utriusque = bilateralis, e fracture/complete fracture on the right side on the left side bilateral, on both sides complete break resulting in bone being separated into two or more pieces translated simply as the right one or the left one fractura femoris/humeri/malleoli/rami ossis pubis..... fractura claviculae compl. fractura femoris l. dx./l. sin./l. utque(utr.) fractus, a, um annus, i, m. ante annos inveteratus, a, um broken year years ago old, not healed properly adj. digitus minimus pedis fractus ulna sinistra fracta ante annos CLASSIFICATION OF FRACTURES ACCORDING TO THE CAUSE fractura traumatica traumaticus, a, um traumatic fracture one caused by trauma, e. g. car accident fractura vertebrae thoracicae traumatica fractura pathologica fractura spontanea pathologicus, a, um spontaneus a, um pathological fracture spontaneous fracture one occurred on a weakened bone, and thus caused by some underlying disease, e. g. osteoporosis osteoporosis cum fractura pathologica fractura colli femoris l. sin. spontanea CLASSIFICATION OF FRACTURES ACCORDING TO SEVERITY OF THE INJURY TO SOFT TISSUES SURROUNDING THE BONE fractura aperta/complicata apertus, a, um complicatus, a, um open/compound/complicat ed fracture bone(s) protrude(s) through the skin fractura digiti v. (quinti)manus l. dx. aperta/complicata fractura clausa/simplex clausus, a, um simplex, cis closed/simple/uncomplicat ed fracture skin remains intact fractura tibiae clausa/simplex Autumn Term 2017/18 Handout 11 CLASSIFICATION OF FRACTURES ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF FRACTURE LINES fractura simplex simplex, cis simple fracture one fracture line fractura simplex humeri fracturaa multiplex multiplex, icis multiple fracture up to six bone pieces fracturae costarum l. dx. multipl. fractura comminutiva comminutivus, a, um comminuted/crushed /splintered fracture the bone is splintered or crushed into numerous (more than six) pieces fract. capitis mandibulae l. sin. comminutiva classification according to the shape of fracture line fractura transversa transversus, a, um transverse fracture fracture line is straight across the bone fractura femoris l. dx. transversa fractura obliqua obliquus, a, um oblique fracture oblique fracture line fractura diaphysis (diaphyseos) humeri dx. obliqua fractura spiralis spiralis, e spiral fracture fracture line spirals down the bone fractura spiralis tibiae l. sin. fractura longitudinalis longitudinalis, e linear fracture fracture line runs parallel to the long axis of the bone fractura longitudinalis tibiae l. dx. fractura compressiva compressivus, a, um compression fracture fracture in which the bone collapses (often caused by osteoporosis) fractura compressiva corporis vertebrae c4 fractura impressiva impressivus, a, um depressed fracture fracture in which the fragment is depressed below the normal surface (mostly skull and shoulder blade fractures) fractura impressiva ossis frontalis l. sin. fractura incuneata incuneatus, a, um wedge fracture fracture in which bone fragments overlap one another (often caused by osteoporosis, mostly of vertebrae and necks of femora) fractura colli femoris l. dx. incuneata pathologica Autumn Term 2017/18 Handout 11 CLASSIFICATION OF FRACTURES ACCORDING TO THE LEVEL OF BONE DEFECT infractio, onis, f./fractura partialis/fractura incompleta incompletus, a, um partialis, e partial breakage, partial/incomplete fracture partial breakage of bone, sometimes called a greenstick fracture infractio sterni fractura radicis dentis permanentis incompl. fractura xxx sine dislocatione dislocatio, onis, f. (= luxatio, onis, f.) displacement fracture of xxx without displacement (of bone fragments) no abnormal position of bone fragments fractura calcanei l. dx. sine disloc. fractura xxx cum dislocatione fracture of xxx with displacement (of bone fragments) abnormal position of bone fragments fractura humeri l. sin. cum disloc. DISLOCATED FRACTURES fractura cum dislocatione ad axim axis, is, m. fracture of xxx with displacement (of bone fragments) with angulation the angle of the bone fragments is altered fractura metaphysis dist. radii l. dx. cum disloc ad axim fractura cum dislocatione ad latus latus, eris, n. Fracture of xxx with lateral displacement (of bone fragments) one of the bone fragments is moved t the side fractura femoris l. sin. dislocata ad latus fractura cum dislocatione ad peripheriam peripheria, ae, f. fracture of xxx with rotation (of bone fragments) one of the bone fragments is rotated around the bone axis fractura supracondylica humeri l. sin. cum disloc. ad periph. fractura cum dislocatione ad longitudinem cum 1. distractione 2. contractione 3. implantatione fracture of xxx with displacement (of bone fragments) in the length with 1. distraction 2. contraction 3. impaction bone fragments are: 1. moved away from each other 2. moved towards each other 3. driven into each other fractura claviculae l. utr. cum disloc. ad longitudinem cum distractione