e001 Corrective Exercises (CE) – requirements Credit is awarded on the basis of attendance, the quality of the seminar work and practical preparation and demonstration of the compensation plan for the given sport. 1) Participation in seminars (max. 2 absences, in case of problems, solve them individually). 2) Seminar work ASSIGNMENT a) Characteristics of the chosen sport - focused mainly on the health aspects of the chosen sport and on the musculoskeletal system - the most common muscle shortening, weakening, incorrect movement stereotypes, health problems, etc. Please don't bother with any other general characteristics!! b) Kinesiological movement analysis - typical - selected movement in the chosen sport, where you describe the course of the movement with precise muscle involvement. c) Design of the CE file for the chosen sport (exercise description, logical continuity, self-image, physiological effect). Follow the citations directly in the text, the literature used according to the standard, viz. IS. I really prefer less, but of high quality - using professional resources (5-10 pages). 3) A practical demonstration of compensatory exercise in the given sport.