Andrej Hlinka Milan Hod¾a Table: Structure of population in Slovakia in era of Hungary and First Czechoslovak Republic (census) +---------------------------------------------------+ | | % | |-------------------------------------+-------------| |Nationality (1880) | | | | | |Slovaks | 61 | | | | |Hungarians | 22 | | | | |Germans | 9 | | | | |others | 8 | | | | | | | | | | |Nationality (1910) | | | | | |Slovaks | 58 | | | | |Hungarians | 30 | | | | |Germans | 7 | | | | |Rusyns | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Nationality (1930) | | | | | |Slovaks | 67,6 | | | | |Hungarians | 17,8 | | | | |Germans | 4,6 | | | | |Czechs | 3,7 | | | | |Rusyns and Ukrainians | 2,9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-------------------------------------+-------------| |Religion (1910) | | | | | |Catholic | 69,2 | | | | |Evangelic | 13,2 | | | | |Greek-Catholic | 6,4 | | | | |Reforms evangelic | 6,2 | | | | |Jewish | 5 | | | | | | | | | | |Religion (1930) | | | | | |Catholic | 71,6 | | | | |Evangelic | 16,7 | | | | |Greek-Catholic | 6,4 | | | | |Czechoslovakian church | 0,4 | | | | |Jewish | 4,1 | | | | |non-believers | 0,5 | |-------------------------------------+-------------| |Occupation (1910) | | | | | |agriculture | 63 | | | | |industry | 18 | | | | |public service, transport, business | 19 | | | | | | | | | | |Occupation (1921) | | | | | |agriculture | 61 | | | | |industry | 18 | | | | |public service, transport, business | 13 | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ Table: Election results in Slovakia between wars (Assembly of Deputies, only results in Slovakia not in whole state, only relevant parties, %) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Parties | 1920 | 1925 | 1929 | 1935 | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |HS¥S | 18,1 | 34,3 | 28,2 | 30,1* | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Agrarian Party | 18,7 | 17,4 | 19,5 | 17,6 | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Communist Party of Czechoslovakia | - | 13,9 | 10,7 | 13,0 | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Social Democracy | 39,4 | 4,3 | 9,5 | 11,4 | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Hungarian Christian and Socialist Party | 10,7* | 6,9 | 15,9* | 14,2* | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Hungarian National Party | -* | 7,7 | -* | -* | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Slovak National Party | -* | 2,5 | -* | -* | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Czechoslovak National Socialists Party | 2,3 | 2,6 | 3,1 | 3,2 | |-------------------------------------------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------| |Czechoslovak People´s Party | -* | 1,3 | 2,6 | 2,3 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * coalition with other party or parties Table: Cleavages and relevant political parties during First Republic (bold print important cleavages from the point of view of individual party) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Party | centre -- periphery |state -- church|town - country| owners - workers| |----------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+-----------------| |HS¥S | autonomistic | catholic | country | | |----------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+-----------------| |Agrarian party | centralistic | evangelic | country | | |----------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+-----------------| |Social democrats | centralistic | secular | town |social democrats | |----------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+-----------------| |KSÈ |"flexible" approaches| secular | | communists | |----------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+-----------------| |SNS | autonomistic | evangelic | | | |----------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+-----------------| |Hungarian National | autonomistic | evangelic | | | |Party | | | | | |----------------------+---------------------+--------------+--------------+-----------------| |Hungarian Christian | autonomistic | catholic | | | |and Socialist Party | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Table: The view of Slovak population on communist regime after 1989 (in comparison with contemporary situation - %) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Regime after 1989 have:|5/1991 |4/1992 |10/1993 |12/1994 |12/1995 |1/1997 |11/2000 |11/2004 | |-----------------------+-------+-------+--------+--------+--------+-------+--------+--------| |more advantages: | 37 | 37 | 35 | 37 | 43 | 36 | 32 | 38 | |-----------------------+-------+-------+--------+--------+--------+-------+--------+--------| |it is same: | 22 | 19 | 13 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 16 | 17 | |-----------------------+-------+-------+--------+--------+--------+-------+--------+--------| |more disadvantages: | 32 | 38 | 51 | 45 | 39 | 42 | 48 | 39 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+