Knowledge processes n Data, information, knowledge n These words don't mean the same n We use different tools in work with each type of knowing Data,information, knowledge Data n We can sensually monitor them n Objective facts/symbols (not dependent on our consciousness) n Quantificable (speed, capacity, costs) n Quality of information process is not dependent on amount of accessible data Information § Information: data that are processed to be useful; provides answers to "who", "what", "where", and "when" questions n Data with specific meaning n Related to needs of user n Contain specific purpose n Subjective character n Value of information Knowledge § application of data and information; § Information in interaction with our -- Experience -- Mental models and processes -- Relationships -- Values and principles n Applied in action n Knowledge management ^1 IS/IT § answers "how" questions Wisdom n accumulated knowledge of life n gives us real understanding n asks questions to which there is no (easily-achievable) answer n resides as much in the heart as in the mind n Can't be described by words Explicit and tacit knowledge n Two forms of knowledge n Explicit k. -- can be expressed by var. Means -- Transferable -- Expressable by data Explicit and tacit knowledge n Tacit k. -- (implicit) highly personal, cannot be easily expressed n Interaction of expl.k. and intuition,experience,skills,ment.models etc. n Examples n Dimensions (individual-organization) n Example with waitress n Try to identify utmost examples of tacit and explicit knowledge in the univerity ambient Tacit knowledge n "We know more than we can say" Conversion n Change of form of information n Results in origination of new information Conversion Conversion n Conversion process=SECI -- Socialization -- Externalization -- Combination -- Internalization n Authors: Nonaka and Takeuchi Sharing tacit knowledge n Narrating stories (analogies, symbols) n Apprenticeship (long-term,binding) n Communities of practices Knowledge market n Every information exchange in org. n Vital for every org. n Physical and virtual space Knowledge market n Vendors n Buyers n Mediators n Price of knowledge n Role of confidence n Why are info. provided for free Knowledge market n Knowledge market signals -- Inform, how and where to get concrete information -- Formal (status, education) -- Informal (communities, informal knowledge networks) n Which information can be sold and bought (and for what price) in academic sphere? Disfunctional knowledge market n When... n It's hard to find a vendor n It's hard to attain him n It's hard to evaluate the quality of information in advance Supporting knowledge market in organization n Verbal and institutional support n Tools to evaluate knowledge n Motivation n Space organization n Accent on reusing kn. Analysis of physical place n Purpose(s) of the place n Information from the place itself n Exceptionality of place in knowledge sharing n Accordance of purpose and disposition of the place n Atmosphere of place as incentive of informal knowledge exchange n Groups of people attracted by the place and correspondence or concurrence in their needs n Suggestions how to optimize the place in order to foster knowledge exchange