Nationalism and the Novel in Latin America Spring 2007 Masaryk University Instructor: Laura Bunt, PhD Email:, Office Number: 3.57, Phone: 549.491.942 Office Hours: 6-7 PM Wednesdays (or by appointment) Course DESCRIPTION It is often forgotten that novel is, in and of itself, a political and cultural document. The literary works of Latin America's premier novelists articulate modern cultural identities by narrating the imaginary lives of iconic figures and persistent ideologies from both the colonial past and contemporary era. In Latin America in particular, the rise of the modern novel is intrinsically tied to political debates on national identity, inspiring radical experiments with narrative form among modernist writers. Far from abandoning political concerns, the genre of novel writing in Latin America emphasizes individual consciousness to explore ways in which the modern nation-state shapes the psyches of its subjects. Thus, the goal of this course is to examine Latin American literature within the cultural constructions of: nation, identity (i.e. ethnicity, race, gender), authority, and tradition. · Secondary literature covering debates on nationalism and fiction-writing will be interwoven with two primary novels by Gabriel García Márquez: One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera COURSE READINGS Primary Texts (Novels) · One Hundred Years of Solitude · Love in the Time of Cholera Selections from Secondary Sources: o Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, By Benedict Anderson · Latin American Fiction: A Short Introduction, By Philip Swanson · Foundational Fictions: The National Romances of Latin America, By Doris Sommer o Myth and Archive, By Roberto González Echevarría Course Requirements Students must produce TWO 4-5 page essays based upon the reading and class discussions. Instructor will assign essay questions in advance of due dates. Student are also required to write TWO 1 page response papers. COURSE RULES Students are expected to come to class having already read the readings cited on the syllabus for that day. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY, ROLE WILL BE TAKEN IN EVERY CLASS. Students are allowed only TWO undocumented absences. Any student missing more than 3 classes without a documented (i.e. medical or family) emergency will be dropped from the class without exception. (Students observing religious holidays are excused from class, but please inform instructor in advance). This course is intended as a seminar, rather than a lecture course. Students’ work consists of intensive reading of required texts and active participation in the class discussions. Students are graded on the basis of their performance in class, the quality of their oral presentation, and the writing of assigned essays. COURSE GRADING POLICY 50% Essay Assignments 50% Class Attendance Course READINGS & OUtline All reading is available online through the university system, please come to class with a copy of the reading materials printed for discussion. WEEK 1 INTRODUCTION WEEK 2 Latin American Fiction pgs. 1-81 Unfinished Communities, pgs. 1-23 One Hundred Years of Solitude WEEK 3 Latin American Fiction, pgs. 82-126 Nationalism’s Dirty Linen, pgs. 1-23 One Hundred Years of Solitude WEEK 4 FIRST RESPONSE PAPER DUE IN CLASS Foundational Fictions, pgs. 1-30 One Hundred Years of Solitude WEEK 5 Foundations Fictions, pgs. 30-51 One Hundred Years of Solitude WEEK 6 NO CLASS FIRST ESSAY QUESTION ON IS WEEK 7 NO CLASS READING WEEK WEEK 8 NO CLASS EASTER MONDAY WEEK 9 FIRST ESSAY DUE IN CLASS Foundational Fictions, pgs. 83-113 One Hundred Years of Solitude WEEK 10 Foundational Fictions, pgs. 172-203 Love in the Time of Cholera WEEK 11 Myth and Archive, pgs. 1-42 Love in the Time of Cholera WEEK 12 SECOND RESPONSE PAPER DUE IN CLASS Myth and Archive, pgs. 43-92 Love in the Time of Cholera WEEK 13 Myth and Archive, pgs. 93-141 Love in the Time of Cholera WEEK 14 SECOND ESSAY QUESTION HANDED OUT Myth and Archive, pgs. 142-186 Love in the Time of Cholera SECOND ESSAY DUE AT END OF EXAMINE PERIOD