17 March 2009 Transitions to Democracy in a Comparative Perspective Masaryk University Brno Spring 2009 Instructor: Óscar Hidalgo-Redondo Long Essay Requirements The deadline for handing the essay will be 12 May 2009. Failing to deliver the essay before the end of the deadline will imply automatically an F in this part of the evaluation. The essay must be delivered in person and e-mailed essays will not be accepted (unless agreed by the instructor). The essays must be word-processed and they must contain an appropriate bibliography and references. Essays without bibliography and references are not acceptable. References must be produced according to parameters acceptable for social sciences university papers; improper references will have a negative effect on the final mark. Students are expected to use documents retrieved from academic electronic libraries. Mind the university policy regarding plagiarism and, in case of any kind of doubt, contact your instructor. The minimum length of the paper is 2000 words and the maximum length of the paper is 4000 words including bibliography and references. In case of exceeding this length, it is necessary to get the approval of the instructor. The same is applicable for any possible change in the topic proposed for the essay. In both cases, contact your instructor in advance to explain the circumstances that motivate the need of change of the basic requirements of the essay. The topic of the essay is the comparative analysis of two processes of transition to democracy from two different groups from the following list of historical periods: Group A: Post-WWII transitions Italy, Japan, West Germany, Austria Group B: 1970s-1989 Spain, Portugal, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, South Korea Group C: Post-communist Transitions Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, East Germany, Hungary The grading of the paper will be done according to the following criteria a) Quality of research (10 points) It will be evaluated the quantity and the quality of the sources that the research has made available and how they have been incorporated to the paper b) Formal aspects (10 points) The evaluation will take into consideration the format of the paper, the format of references and bibliography; the existence of a logical structure and a clear line of argumentation. c) Contents of the paper (30 points) The final grade will take into consideration how well the proposed topic has been covered in the paper and if the arguments provided explain the central questions of the paper.