Dr. phil. Oliver Benjamin Hemmerle, M.A. hemmerle.post@email.de La Grande Nation: The Strategic History of France from 1624 to Today (Lecture) I. Introduction [17.02.2009] II. Richelieu, founder of modern French foreign policy [24.02.2009]: [nothing before the Thirty Years' War is part of the exam] - Creation of modern administration and diplomacy by Richelieu; French in Thirty Years' War; (1^st) "Rheinbund". III. Louis XIV and the "natural borders" [03.03.2009]: Conflict with Habsburg (Austria and Spain); Huguenots; Réunion policy; Alsace and Lorraine. IV. French Colonialism – Part 1: Creating and loosing French North-America [10.03.2009]: Seven Years' War; Louisiana Purchase. V. Spreading Republicanism (1792-1799/1804) [17.03.2009]: Coalition Wars against France; Sister-Republics; Rhine as border. VI. Napoleon rules the land, Britain rules the sea (1799/1804-1814/15) [24.03.2009]: Lunéville and Amiens peace treaties; Trafalgar/Austerlitz 1805; wars with Austria 1805 and 1809; war with Prussia 1806; (2^nd) "Rheinbund"; continental system (economic war against Britain); war in Spain from 1809; war with Russia 1812; campaigns of 1813/1814; Hundred Days and Waterloo. VII. Another Napoleon: foreign policy of Napoleon III. (1848-1870) [31.03.2009]: Crimean War; Italian Unification; France and the Austrian-Prussian War of 1866; Franco-Prussian/German War of 1870/71. VIII. French Colonialism – Part 2: Loosing Europe, creating a new colonial Empire (1830-1914/1919) [07.04.2009]: Algeria (special role in colonial system); failed creation of Empire in Mexico; French in Africa and Asia; Fashoda Incident (1898); influence in the Middle East after WW I. IX. In the shadow of Prussia and Germany – forming alliances with Britain and Russia (1871-1914) [14.04.2009]: Loss of Alsace-Lorraine 1871; Boulanger Crisis; Franco-Russian Alliance; Franco-British "Entente cordiale"; (2^nd) Moroccan Crisis of 1911. X. "Revanche" at a high price (WW I and the Versailles treaty) [21.04.2009]: Belgian neutrality/Schlieffen Plan; "Miracle of the Marne"; Italian participation; crisis of 1917 (mutinies, Russian revolutions); US participation; regaining Alsace-Lorraine; post-WW I treaties (Versailles, Saint-Germain-en-Laye , Trianon etc.); Ruhr occupation; Locarno; Briand and Stresemann. XI. In mortal danger (late interwar-period and WW II) [28.04.2009]: Appeasement policy (ignoring remilitarization of Rhineland and reintroduction of conscription in Germany etc.); Maginot line; French defeat 1940; Vichy government; de Gaulle exile government; US position; Casablanca conference; Collaboration and Résistance; North Africa landings; D-Day; French not participating at Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences; French presence at German capitulation in Reims and Karlshorst; French occupation zone in Germany. XII. Reconstructing France, loosing the colonies, leaving the military integration of NATO (1944 till the end of the Cold War) [05.05.2009]: Indochina War; Suez Crisis; Algerian War; French nuclear weapons; Franco-German friendship and cooperation treaty (1963); France and Europe; leaving military integration of NATO; France and Africa (especially former colonies); France and the Middle East; France and the German "Reunification". XIII. At least a minor super-power? (France today) AND Q & A session [12.05.2009] (2^nd) Gulf War 1991; Kosovo; French in "War on Terror"; position against Iraq War; fully rejoining NATO.