Sylabus FSS 2005 FINAL WORK – THEORETICAL BLOCK Once the theoretical sessions finish students will be expected to produce a piece of written work (essay) of 4-7 pages in A4 format. Topics for the final work: (Select from one of the following) 1. Critically assesss the limitations, options and efectiveness of drug services on the scale between abstinence-based and a harm reduction approach. Literature - Gossop M., Living with Drugs, London: Temple Smith, 1993, O´Hare P., Newcombe R., et al. (Eds), The Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, London: Routledge, 1992 2. Critically assess the differences between self-help intervention and a socio-educational intervention, and between a psychotherapeutic and medical models. Literature - Bennett G., Treating Drug Abusers, London: Routledge, 1993 3. Critically assess the community reaction to the phenomenon of drug abuse from the perspective of specific intervention in the area of gender. Literature - Ettorre E., Women and Substance Abuse, London: The MacMillan Press, 1992 FINAL WORK – PRACTICAL BLOCK The student has the possibility of choosing between the following options: 1. Placement, the student will produce 3-4 A4 pages of written work on the topic: My possibilities and limitations when entering in contact with clients. It is essential to provide, not an academic view on the topic, but the personal experience of the placement and relation with the client, including a self-assessment of what areas to focus your personal professional development. 2. Diary 3-4 pages size A4: Diary in which the student describes the lessons learned and how these lessons have caused a change on the focus of his or her profession. This work should include the view based on the personal (life) experience, in contrast with the views presented in the practical lessons.