Multivariate Lab Exercises Getting Started n Remember again to put on the filter n Think about which independent variables you want to use n For today we will only look at one dependent variable, so choose the one that you think does the best job in measuring the issue you are interested in. n For example, if you are interested in gender equality, choose the one question that you think most clearly shows gender attitudes. If you are choosing market-liberalism, think whether less regulation really is the best question or should you choose a different question. After adding the filter, go to linear regression Choose your independent variables Ask for collinearity diagnostics under ”test” (you can also choose Durbin-Watson and casewise diagnostics if you want to test for heteroscedasticity, but consult the textbooks for advise) The F-statistic shows that the model as a whole is significant, but this is almost ALWAYS the case, so it tells you when the model is bad, but not when it is good Which variable(s) is/are significant? Which Variable explainces the greatest amount of variance? Which variable(s) is/are significant? Is there a problem with Collinearity? Nevertheless, SEX and AGE are rather equally distributed on dimensions 3 and 4 which indicates there could be a problem between them Next step n Probably only educational level is a good predictor, so it would be best to use a bivariate regression or replace SEX and AGE with some other variables n But since there might have been a problem of collinearity between AGE and SEX and since AGE had a much lower std. Coefficient, we will eliminate AGE now and see if SEX become significant Elminate AGE Sex is still insignificant Adjusted R-square n Increased now from .005 to .007 n (Not shown here) n So eliminating a variable made the model better n But still it cannot explain even 1% of the change in LESSREG With only EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: it is significant, but the adjusted r-square is only .06, so again it shows we should look for different variables Make table in Word Your Task n Run a multiple regession with the dependent variable you have chosen and at least 5 independent variables n Eliminate all the variables that are not significant n Make sure there is no-collinearity n Try to make the best model n Make a table in Word