1 MASARYK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND EUROPEAN STUDIES MVZ 203 / 448 Terrorism, Political Violence, & the Law Spring 2010 Final Examination Study Guide Date of Exam: Wednesday, May 26th , 8-9:30 am OR Friday, June 4th , 8-9:30 am NOTE THE EXAM ROOM: U43 FSS Terms & Concepts From Lectures & Course Materials: You will define terms and concepts drawn from our lectures and discussions. You should have reviewed and studied ALL materials placed on reserve for the class. You should have reviewed and studied the MIDTERM review sheet and your exam. The material covered will include supplemental materials such as articles by Pape, Tucker, The Geneva Convention, Fatwas issued by OBL, etc. and the “Backgrounder” materials. THUS, you should review material from both BEFORE the midterm and SINCE the midterm. Lecture Terms: You will define terms drawn from our principal texts, Hoffman’s Inside Terrorism, Sageman’s Leaderless Jihad and the Final Report of the 9/11 Commission. To be prepared, you should be comfortable writing a few sentences for each of the following (define the term, explain why it is relevant for terrorism studies, and provide an example): 1) Twelve Mechanisms of Radicalization 2) The EQ of Terrorism 3) Jerrold Post & Terrorism 4) Beliefs & Misconceptions of Terror 5) Borum on Reasons for Radicalization 6) What Happens to Brain With Fear 7) Limits of Psychological Approach 8) Terrorism as Goal-Directed Behavior 9) Terror Groups as Credible Actors 10) Macro Level Motivations for Actors 11) Case of the NWLF 1970s 12) Case of Madrid 2004 13) Ted Gurr on Group Terror Dynamics 14) Models for Terror Groups, Pre-911 15) Models for Groups, Post-9/11 16) Terror Group Size vs. Functionality 17) Models for Terror Networks 18) Suicide Bombings, IEDs/VBIEDs 19) Examples of Terror Symbols & Use 20) Rand 2008; How Terror Groups End 21) ‘Old’ & ‘New” Terrorism Revisited 22) Management of “New” Terrorism 23) Challenges of Management / Concerns 24) 05 May: Suicide Terrorism; Case Study of Bombings – LTTE & Israel 25) 12 May: Terrorism Symbols & Signs 26) 19 May: Trajectory of Terrorism / Al Qaeda / Final Exam Study Sheet released 27) Title 22, US Code 28) CHAPTER 3, 9/11 Commission Report 29) Countries designated “State Sponsors of Terrorism” according to DOS, 2005