1 1 Part II Terror Symbols & Signs MU MVZ 203 / 448 Spring 2010 Sonoma State University Dave McCuan 2 2 3 What Makes a Terrorist? • The argument in this class is not that “culture makes a terrorist,” but that cultural and religious values—which are often intentionally manipulated by charismatic leaders or strong organizations—can contribute to the making of terroristsmaking of terroristsmaking of terroristsmaking of terrorists • These same set of values, manipulated or interpreted by a different leader or group, by contrast, can also contribute to the makingmakingmakingmaking of pacifistsof pacifistsof pacifistsof pacifists 4 What Makes a Terrorist? • In this regard, one of the best ways to think of culture (along with its signs, symbols, & icons) as a meaningmeaningmeaningmeaning----makingmakingmakingmaking mediummediummediummedium, which interacts with other forces—political, economic, and social—to influence or shape the behavior of individuals 3 5 What Makes a Terrorist? • Cultural symbols need to be understood in the context of particular place and within the context of broader social, political and economic forces: these contextual factors will make the use of cultural symbols more or less possible, more or less effective. • These symbols tell us about a group’s founding, its ideology, its aims, and methods. 6 What Makes a Terrorist? • In this regard, culture is not purely an independent variable • At the same time, many culturalists would agree that culture and religion have an autonomous effect insofar as they sometimes provide a necessary or at least authoritative basis for collective action • That is, without an appeal to culture, some collective activities might be virtually impossible. 4 7 What Makes a Terrorist? • On this point, consider the rise in one particular type of terrorist activity: suicide bombings. How can this activity be explained or understood without taking into account cultural factors? 8 What Makes a Terrorist? • To justify the act of “suicide terrorism,” one of Lebanon’s leading Muslim clerics argued that a special context existed in Lebanon and this special context made it permissible for Muslims to “explode” themselves in the name of Islam, and to defeat enemies of Islam. – In a similar vein, the concept of JihadJihadJihadJihad was redefined to justify and legitimize all sorts of political violence. 5 9 What Makes a Terrorist? • The important point is thisThe important point is thisThe important point is thisThe important point is this: The “Islaminization” of political violence carried out by Hizballah allowed the organization to claim a divine or sanctified role, which, in turn, conferred an obligation on the part of all Muslims to support, or at least not oppose, the actions taken by Hizballah. • The more successful this process of Islaminization, the more powerful Hizballah became. 10 The Usefulness of Signs • A Sign is something that gives us direction but does not tell us what to think. It does not give us a description. • Examples? Stop, Restroom, Yield, Green light, • In other words, signs give directions while symbols tell us how we should feel about something. 6 11 Symbols as Experience • A symbol, on the other hand, tells us what images to look for in our culturally encoded experience in order to determine how we should feel about the thing represented. 12 Examples of Symbols • Golden Arches, • Statue of Liberty, • the scales of justice, • capitalism, • democracy, • apple pie, • baseball, the Stars and Stripes, the bible, • lawyer, • radical, • liberal, • human rights, • Communism, • Fascism, • Feminism, • thief, • murderer, • criminal, • terrorist and terrorism, • taxes, politician, • Conservative, • postmodernism 7 13 Signs & Symbols Reflect an Ideology • An ideology is a system of values and beliefs regarding the various institutions and processes of society that is accepted as fact or truth by a group of people. • An ideology provides the believer with a picture of the world both as it is and as it should be, and, in doing so, organizes the tremendous complexity of the world into something fairly simple and understandable. • Ideologies help us make choiceschoiceschoiceschoices based on beliefsbeliefsbeliefsbeliefs and valuesvaluesvaluesvalues and they simplifysimplifysimplifysimplify our complex world. • So, let’s turn to some symbols here for a moment. 14 Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki of the Falls Church Dar Al-hijrah Islamic Center, VA 8 15 Most Symbols by Groups are Relatively “Clean” in Layout 16 But Get More Complex, Nuanced 9 17 With In-Depth Meaning(s) 18 10 19