1 The Emotive Context of Terrorism: Let's Stop Demonizing & Instead Try to Understand "Terrorism" as "Political Violence" Spring 2010 Masaryk University Department of Int'l Relations & European Studies Dave McCuan World Trade Center, NYC 2 Pentagon Let's Start With FOUR Terrorism Myths * #1: Most terrorism is perpetrated by Muslims from the Middle East; * #2: Terrorists are crazy; * #3: Terrorism can be defeated; * #4: Terrorists are poor, uneducated, and have few prospects. * All four are FALSE. * You should ask: What drives these biases & representations? 3 The Emotive Context of Nuclear Terrorism * Announcement, Friday afternoon, Washington, D.C., THE WHITE HOUSE: * Robert Gibbs, Press Secretary to President Obama, announced at the of the briefing: "April 12th and 13th the President will host the Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center -- obviously here in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the summit is to discuss steps we can collectively take to secure vulnerable nuclear materials and prevent acts of nuclear terrorism. As the President stated in Prague, in April 2009, nuclear terrorism is the most immediate and extreme threat to global security." Recent Acts of Terrorism Specific Acts of Terrorism ­ Any Commonalities for Our Understanding? World Trade Center I Attack, February 26,1993 Oklahoma City April 19,1995 US Embassy Bombings August 7,1998 USS Cole October 12, 2000 September 11, 2001 Madrid Train, March 11, 2004 London, July 7, 2005 Mumbai, November 2008 Austin, TX, two weeks ago, February 2010 4 Definitions ­ Many ­ Ambiguous ­ Are terrorists "freedom fighters"? ­ Matter of perception? ­ What is the relationship between insurgency and terrorism? Are all insurgents terrorists? Are all terrorists insurgents? Defining Terrorism Defining Terrorism: Problematic 1. Political Agenda 2. Violence/Threat of as the method(s) 3. Civilians as Targets 4. Emotive Context (includes Publicity & Psychological Effects of Actions) 5. Rational? Thoughtful? A Political (Electoral) Campaign of Sorts? 6. Structural and/or Ecological Explanations? Directed Network effects? 5 1. Political Agendas: See URLs * Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) * HAMAS Covenant (Islamic Resistance Movement, see: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/ mideast.asp for more info) * Sinn Fein home page (political wing of Provisional Irish Republican Army, www.sinnfein.org ) * Hizbollah home page (see: http://english.hizbollah.tv/index.php 2. Violence: The Terrorist "Logic" Assumption: You cannot beat the enemy in a direct fight, so... Terrorist Violence & Threat Logic Causes pain and fear in targeted audience Publicizes a political agenda Public demands change in gov't policy Coercion of gov't; pressure to change policy Change in gov't policy 6 The "Logic" at Work: Spain 2004 * Spain supports US in Iraq * People's Party (PP) in favor of Spanish intervention * Socialist Worker's Party wants to withdraw; * AQ warns Spain to leave or face reprisal; * Parliamentary elections on 3/14; * PP favored, but targeted, both militarily (civilian soft targets) and politically in electoral terms The "Logic" at Work: Spain 2004 March 11 attack on train station; 200 killed; 1400 wounded Voters fear more reprisals Debate on Spanish Iraq policy takes center stage Electoral Surprise; PP loses; Worker's Party wins PP blames ETA; fears linkage of bombs to Iraq policy New gov't led by Worker's Party Changes policy 7 Madrid Bombing, March 11, 2004 3. Target Civilians Marriott Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 2003 8 4. Emotive Context: Publicity & Psychological Spillover Effects Munich 1972 9 5. What is Terrorism? Is it criminal? Or War? Or is it a form of political violence, common to world history and politics? Does it have an "agenda" to it, a campaign of sorts? Typology? A Start 1. Ideological 2. Ethno-nationalist/separatist 3. Narco-Terrorism 4. Religious nationalism/extremism 5. Linked, network effects or hiearchies? 10 Expectation and Frustration expectations expectation gap reality Time Relationships Between Operations, Support, Administration, & Leaders "The Visual Complexity of Terrorism" 11 Religious Splits & Terrorism - Example Example of Expectation & Frustration Gap in the World 12 Threat & Technique(s) ­ Critical for Validity: Suicide Bombing as Example Geography = Tactics & Techniques 13 Threat & Technique: On the High Seas http://www.icc-ccs.org/ 14 Motives: London, July 7, 2005 What Makes a Terrorist? 15 Networks of Like-Minded Communities of Individuals? Or Organizational Hierarchies? Or a "Club" of Interests? 16 Countering Terror ­ How? What's Effective? 17 Tracking the Terror Threat ­ Tests of Credibility * Organizational links, tools * Operational links, tools * Which groups have motivation & tools to wage credible attacks? * Which groups can adapt to pressure & CT influences while undergoing transition? * Where / when are groups vulnerable? * When / under what conditions do groups find it difficult to operate? * Can you / how do you "split" cells of terrorists? 6. Structure & Effects: Terrorism is about means not ends! Compare two independence movements 18 Key Question For Students of Terrorism & Political Violence: So, what distinguishes "terrorism' in the post-9/11 era? Three operating variables: 1. Goals; 2. Methods; and 3. Organization of `new' terror groups as opposed to `old' terror groups