1 What is the Role of the "Culture War" in American Electoral Politics ­ Is it a Myth? Reality? Both? MU MVZ 449 Spring 2010 Dave McCuan Masaryk University Red vs. Blue America 2004 2 "The 49% Nation" - Michael Barone 49% Nation 49.2% 48.5% 47.8% 48.4%48.9% 48.9% 47.9% 40.0% 42.0% 44.0% 46.0% 48.0% 50.0% 52.0% 54.0% 56.0% 58.0% 60.0% Clinton 96 House 96 House 98 Presid 00 D R W inning P a rty % V o te 4 9 .2 4 8 .9 4 8 .9 4 8 .4 4 8 .3 5 2 .9 5 0 .7 5 0 .4 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 1 9 9 6 C linto n V o te 1 9 9 8 G O P H o us e V o te 2 0 0 0 G O P H o us e V o te 2 0 0 4 G O P B us h V o te 3 Is America Deeply Divided? * "You've got 80% to 90% of the country that look at each other like they are on separate planets" Matthew Dowd, 2004 Bush reelection strategist; & Schwarzenegger strategist * "The red states get redder, the blue states get bluer, and the political map of the US takes on the coloration of the Civil War" E.J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post Party Activists More Polarized D e le g a te D iffe re nc e ID diffre n c e G o ve rnm ent sho uld d o m o re to so lve na tio na l p ro b le m s 7 2 1 3 C ut taxe s to im p ro ve ec o no m y 6 7 3 5 A b o rtio n ava ila b le 6 2 3 2 A nti- te rro ism la w s re stric t c ivil lib e rties 6 2 2 8 Im p o rta nt to w o rk w /U N 7 2 3 5 Difference between party activists and normal GOP and DEM NYT/CBS Poll 2004 4 Prevalence of Activists in m illio ns 1 2 2 8 0 1 5 .5 1 7 .5 3 .3 1 .2 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 V o te d in 2 0 0 4 D id n 't vo te in 2 0 0 4 L is te n to R us h L im b a ug h S a w F a hre nhe it 9 /1 1 W a tc h O 'R e illy F a c to r M o ve -O n E m a il L is t Confusing Positions with Choices 5 Red vs. Blue America 2004 No Swing Voters * 7 of Top 8 Kerry State have GOP governors * 9 states that Bush carries by 10%+ have Democratic governors * Are swing voters truly "independents" or are these subsets "weak partisans" leaning one way or the other? 6 Red vs. Blue America 2004 Red vs. Blue America 7 Evidence of Deep Divide? * Red and Blue States should have big differences on ­ policy preferences ­ Ideological positions ­ Views on abortion ­ Views on homosexuality 8 Red vs. Blue America 2004 Barone/Rove Hypothesis * Two Americas ­ "observant, tradition minded, moralistic... repelled by Bill Clinton" ­ "unobservant, liberation-minded, relativist" pleased with Bill Clinton" 9 Evidence of Deep Divide? * Red and Blue States should have big differences on ­ policy preferences ­ Ideological positions ­ Views on abortion ­ Views on homosexuality 10 % Agreeing 2000 ANES data 11 12 13 Abortion Polarization A b o rtio n is a n a c t o f m urd e r 4 6 % D o n't fe e l tha t w a y 4 6 % D o n't k no w 8 % 2003 Harris/CNN/Time Poll Abortion Cleavages / Cross-Cutting Pressures * Gender Gap * North-South Divisions * Deep divides? * Religious & social connotations / divisions * Regional variations * Age and gender variations 14 Further Abortion Polarization A b o rtio n is a n a c t o f m urd e r 4 6 % D o n't fe e l tha t w a y 4 6 % D o n't k no w 8 % 2003 Harris/CNN/Time Poll Pew Foundation, The 2004 Political Landscape 15 16 * Please tell me whether or not you think it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if: 1. the woman's health is serious endangered 2. she became pregnant as a result of rape 3. there is a strong change of serious defect in the baby 4. the family has low income and cannot afford any more children 5. she is not married and does not want to marry the man 6. she is married and does not want any more children 17 Big differences between Red and Blue States on Abortion? 18 Big differences between Rs and Ds on Abortion? Same Sex Marriage and Voting Behavior Policy Toward Same Sex Couples Bush% Kerry% * Legally Marry (25%) 22 77 * Civil Unions (35%) 52 47 * No Legal Recognition (37%) 70 29 Source: 2004 National Exit Poll 19 20 Pew Foundation, 2004 Political Landscape: Have electoral cleavages shifted? 21 22 23 24 Are Differences Here a "Ditch and Not a Chasm" * # of Circumstances in which abortion should be legal ­ CA 4.3 ­ Deep South 3.4 * Feeling thermometer on Gays (0-100) ­ Blue state- 51 ­ Red state 43 * But, Real Secular- Church differences are consistent Fiorina's Explanation * Parties change ­ The Rise of Purists * Expansion of government * Opening of political processes * Politics is dominated by purists who care about policy/ideology, not just winning. 25 A Causal Critique * Timing ­ When do Fiorina's changes take place ­ When does religious differential start? 26 Recall This Division An Anti-Pluralist Critique * Who participates? * What do interest groups have to do to form? * Hyperpluralism? 27 Normative Critique * Is there anything wrong with a "choice not an echo"? * Is our democracy better or worse Alternative Explanations 28 29 30