The sustainability of Local Rural Systems Willi Haas Simron Jit Singh SS 2014 Watch out! The students who analyse local rural systems are coming!  This seminar collaborates with 1) the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (1-2 tutors and 3 students) and with 2) Masaryk University in Brno (1 tutor and 5 students). Both will also help us as translators in the field. A round of introduction (name, study programme, motivation for this seminar) Please fill up the excel sheet with your details, as well as on the printed form! The environmental problems (some would say crisis) we face today are a consequence of the ways global society interacts with nature 1. Conceptualising society-nature interactions (social metabolism) “Society as hybrid between material and symbolic worlds” Conceptualizing society-nature interactions Fischer-Kowalski & Weisz, 1999 naturalsphereofcausation culturalsphereofcausation Human population & their biophysical stocks Metabolism/ colonization naturalsphereofcausation culturalsphereofcausation Conceptualizing society-nature interactions Fischer-Kowalski & Weisz, 1999 Material, energy, land, time analysis Human population & their biophysical stocks “Society’s metabolism” means… …that societies organize (similar to organisms) material and energy flows with their natural environment; …they extract primary resources and use them for food, machines, buildings, infrastructure, heating and many other products and finally return them, with more or less delay, in the form of wastes and emissions to their environments. naturalsphereofcausation culturalsphereofcausation Experience & meaning Decisions & expectations communication Conceptualizing society-nature interactions Fischer-Kowalski & Weisz, 1999 Institutional analysisMaterial, energy, land, time analysis Human population & their biophysical stocks Metabolism/ colonization Operationalizing Social Metabolism: Material & Energy Flow Accounting (MEFA) Stocks Economic Processing DE DPO Imports Exports Immigrants Emigrants Air, Water Water Vapour Domestic environment For national level studies, standard accounting guidelines and recommended databases exist for most countries DMC, DE, Im / Ex, MI / MP PTB, RME, etc. Why analyse material and energy flows? • Materials and energy are biophysical categories necessary for human survival and reproduction • They are finite both in terms of availability and productivity (source function of nature) • Patterns of material and energy use (in both quantitative and qualitative terms) affect the future survival of humans and other species (sink function of nature – living space) • The world is presently experiencing an unprecedented environment crisis due to the ways we consume our resources (materials, energy, land) causing sustainability problems on the input side (scarcity) and the output side (pollution) • This has also had social consequences in terms of resource distributional conflicts and environmental justice Source: Rockström et al. 2009 Beyond the boundary The inner green shading represents the proposed safe operating space for nine planetary systems. The red wedges represent an estimate of the current position for each variable. The boundaries in three systems (rate of biodiversity loss, climate change and human interference with the nitrogen cycle), have already been exceeded. Source: Rockström et al. 2009: p.472 Material and Energy Flow Analysis - MEFA MEFA is a method that allows to: - Analyze the quantity and quality of resources extracted from nature and their passing through processing, transport, final consumption and disposal - Analyze the spatial dimension of material flows (where extraction, production, consumption and disposal takes place) - Interpret the impact of these flows within sustainability sciences, ecological economics, industrial ecology and social ecology - Relate these flows to development concerns (ecological unequal exchange, uneven development, distributional conflicts, embedded power relations (political ecology) Raw material --> semi-/products --> use disposal Value added Mass Developed countriesdeveloping Monetaryvalue 100% 0% Problem shifting via international division of labor Unequal exchange; Environmental justice The quantity and quality of material and energy throughput is influenced by… (1) The size of human and livestock population, and man-made artifacts that need to be reproduced (2) The productive / exploitative technology (incl. transport and services) (3) Affluence, lifestyle and consumption patterns Concept 2: Sociometabolic regimes and transitions Theory of sociometabolic regimes The theory of sociometabolic regimes (Sieferle) claims that, in world history, certain modes of human production can be broadly distinguished by the way they utilize and thereby modify nature. Key constraint: energy system (sources of energy and main technologies of energy conversion). Result: characteristic metabolic profile (range of materials and energy use per capita) Slide courtesy: Fischer-Kowalski and colleagues ‚Socio-ecolgical regimes‘ in human history hunter and gatherer society agrarian society industrial society 1t biomass (food, wood) <0,1t minerals (stones, metals) 4t biomass (food, fodder, wood) 0,2-2t minerals (stones, metals) 5t biomass (food, fodder, wood) 5t fossil fuel energy carriers 8t construction minerals 2t metals _______________________________ 20t total DMC/cap*yr 26 Willi Haas Source: SEC database Material metabolism in t/cap*yr Willi Haas and Marina Fischer-Kowalski| ETUI monthly forum | 26.6.2012| 26 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Energy consumption per capita depends on socioecological regime Hunter & Gatherer Agrarian societies Industrial society ~ 10 40-70 140-440 avg 280 GJ/cap*yr regimes Source: Sieferle et al. 2006, Schandl et al. 2008, SEC database Human metabolism 3,5 GJ/cap*yr 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 SangSaeng, T hailand 1998 T rinket, N icobars 2000 T örbel, Switzerland 1875 A ustria 1830 U K 1884* A ustria 1991 Germ any 1991 Japan 1991 N etherlands 1991 U SA 1991 Sweden 1991 U K 1991 t/capita Biomass Minerals Fossils Products Metabolic profiles by sociometabolic regimes (DMC/capita) Agrarian Societies Industrial SocietiesMeans * UK 1884: DMI data Sociometabolic profiles of key production regimes Indicator Hunt&Gath. Agrarian Industrial Factor Pop. density [cap/km²] <4 <40 <400 3-10 Agricultural population [%] n.a. >80% <10% 8-9 Material use – DMC [t/cap/yr] 1-2 3-6 15-25 3-5 Energy use – DEC [GJ/cap/yr] 10-20 40-70 150-400 3-5 Share of biomass [% of DEC] >99% >95% 10-30% 3-5 Man-made artefacts – Stocks [t/cap] <1 2-20 250-400 10-20 Time in economic work [h/adult/day] 1-3 5-6 8-9.5 2-4 Energy use per area [GJ/ha] <1 <30 <600 10-30 Material use per area [t/ha] <0.1 <2 <50 10-30 the energy transition: from biomass to fossil fuels Martens and Rotmans 2002 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Energy consumption per capita depends on socio-ecological regime Hunter & Gatherer Agrarian societies ~ 10 40-70 140-440 avg 280 GJ/cap*yr regimes Post- industrial society avg 100 ? (<20C) ? Industrial society Source: Sieferle et al. 2006, Schandl et al. 2008, SEC database – and: Hall and Klitgaard 2012 Willi Haas and Marina Fischer-Kowalski| ETUI monthly forum | 26.6.2012| 31 How does the metabolism of societies affect land use? Concept 3: Colonization of natural systems HANPP: measuring impacts of land use HANPP measures changes in yearly biomass flows in ecosystems resulting from land use Society Resources gained Work / energy invested Natural ecosystem Colonized systemChange induced through colonization An integrated socio-ecological perspective on global biomass flows: The HANPP approach Potential vegetation NPP0 Productivity of potential vegetation (hypothetical vegetation assumed to prevail in the absence of land use; e.g., forests, grasslands, savannahs, deserts, shrubs, etc. Actual vegetation NPPact Productivity of actual vegetation (including croplands, grasslands, built-up area, etc. NPP remaining after harvest NPPt Energy remaining in the ecosystem after harvest Productivity change (∆NPPLC) Harvest (NPPh) Human approriation of NPP (HANPP) • Indicator of land-use intensity • ‚Pressure‘ indicator, useful to analyze drivers of land use Concept 4: Functional time use (a biophysical resource) Human time and metabolism Time is considered as a limited biophysical resource; time budgeting is a consequence of the fact that when a person is engaged in one primary activity, it is restricted from doing another primary activity simultaneously Human time has some interesting features such as: all human time has to be used somehow; preference for one activity over another is contingent on culturally prescribed means of self maintenance and reproduction; all human time normally has to be metabolically sustained by the society, as each human lifetime hour, whether “productive” or not, requires a certain metabolic input, or else people starve and die. disposal over the use of time, own time as well as time of other people, is one major marker of freedom and power. How to link social metabolism, time use and labour time – implications for a sustainability transition First link: Social metabolism is driven by human production (human labour, working time, reinforced by technology and energy use) Second link: Social metabolism is driven by human consumption (demographic growth, life styles, purchasing power) Feedback: investment of labour time produces income, and income produces consumption (rebound effect) Third link: Sustainability, in its core, has to do with securing (high quality) human life time in the future. This needs to be achieved with as little resource use and environmental impact as possible. Interlinkages within the social system Economic system Community Ecossystem services Physical work Time Money Goods / services Relevant natural systems Household Person major transition: time use Social system Labour hours in the economy 0 1 2 3 4 5 Trinket Campo Bello Nalang Japan 1870 Germany 1870 Japan 2000 Germany 2000 (hunter & gatherer) (swidden agriculture) (tradional farming) (traditional farming, beginning of industrialization) (traditional agriculture, cities industrialized) (industrialized) (industrialized) Trinket Campo Bello Germany 2000Nalang Germany 1870Japan 1870 Japan 2000 Number of hours for average inhabitant and average day of the year Sources: Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011 (for Trinket, Campo Bello and Nalang), Maddison 2001 (for Japan), Clearingstelle Verkehr 2012 (for Germany 2001/02 Household and family work: 2,1 hrs/day Kušová, (Jan) Těšitel, Bartoš. 2009. Biosphere reserves as learning sites of sustainable development. In: Social Development Chaplin et al. 2004. Agricultural adjustment and the diversification of farm households and corporate farms in Central Europe. In: Journal of rural Studies 20, 61-77 Kuskova et al. 2008. Long term changes in societal metabolism and land use in Czechoslovakia 1830-2000: an energy transition under changing political regimes. In: Ecological Economics 68 1-2, 394-407 Singh et al. 2010. Local Studies Manual: A researcher’s guide for investigating the social metabolism of local rural systems. In: Social Ecology Working Paper 120 Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011. Sociometabolic transitions in subsistence communities: Boserup revisted in four comparative case studies. In: Human Ecology Review 18 2 Singh and Haas. Forthcoming. Analysing the social metabolism of ‘local systems’: The Nicobar Islands before and in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami. In: New book – Social Ecology Reading Trip Vienna to Suchdol/Klikov/Frantiskov • Franz Josefs Bahnhof: departure 10:29 • Czeske Velenice 12:51 - 13:19 • Suchdol nad Luznici 13:38 • 20 minutes bicycle trip • We meet on May 12 at 10:00 to organize tickets: Vienna – Czeske Velonice • Einfach Raus Radticket costs 44 Euro for up to 5 persons • Velonice – Suchdol we buy in Velonice (is relatively cheap)