ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION OF THE EEP III. Filip Černoch cernoch@mail.muni.cz Energy policy of the EU Environmental dimension of EEP  Climate change – EU aim to develop a low-carbon economy  Measures primarily to reduce GHG emissions  EU ETS – covers 40% of EU emissions  individual targets of MS for the non-EU ETS sectors (housing, agriculture, transport, waste) – cover 60% of EU emissions  CCS  Measures to transform the energy sectors  RES  Energy Efficiency  Research and development, new technologies 2 Deployment of RES  Why should RES be part of an any energy mix?  Why should RES be supported (subsidized)? 3 Deployment of RES  Why should RES be supported (subsidized)?  Experience curve  LCOE 4 Deployment of RES  1) Inception phase – creates a climate allowing investment in early projects  2) Take off phase - managing support policy costs  3) Consolidation phase – to integrate RES in the system (RES can no longer be considered in isolation due to their impacts across the whole electricity system that needs to acomodate them). 5 Inception phase  1997 – indicative target of 12 % RES in gross domestic consumption of the EU by 2010  2001 – Directive 2001/77/ES – indicative targets for individual states to 2010  2009 – Directive 2009/28/ES – aim 20 % by 2020, 10 % in transport sector (Energy and climate package). With indicative targets for 2013.  = to save 600 – 900 million tons of CO2/y, 200-300 million tons of oil/y, lowering of import dependency, industry…. 6 Inception phase 7 Source: thinkcarbon.wordpres.com Take off phase: subsidies Feed in tariff  21 EU states, provides a fixed rate of subsidy for fixed period. Cover all a producer’s costs and profit, essentially replace the market.  Instrument of choice for big RES players (Germany, Spain). Basic rule is that government sets the price, market (investor response) sets the quantity, but many recent amendments to control costs.  = Very successful in triggering large deployment of RES, but at a high cost.  Could be more cost-effective – greater security around income to investors, therefore reducing financial costs. 8 Take off phase: subsidies Feed in tariff  They could be tailored (and therefore support) different technologies.  But:  difficulty of setting the right price – too high and money is wasted, too low and no deployment. Once the price is set, it is hard to make radical changes without breaking contracts  they insulate the RES producer from the market (a limited compatibility with internal energy market)  Grid priority - the grid must take RES electricity first. 9 Take off phase  „A solar RES case“ – Spain, Italy, Czech Republic  Generous FiT tariffs in place, volumes of deployment not controlled or capped and support mechanisms not sufficiently responsive to rapidly falling costs.  PV developers earn high rates of return on their capital – overheated markets and rapid rises in support costs.  Policy makers react by dramatically reducing tariffs and introducing retrospective measures to recouple some of the costs – detrimental impact on investor confidence in the government.  Also impact on the other RES in given country. 10 Czech Republic 11 Source: ERÚ Year Installed capacity (in MWe) 2006 0,2 2007 3,4 2008 39,5 2009 464,6 2010 1959,1 2011 1971 2012 2086 Installed capacity of PV Estimated costs in Czech Republic – 1,76 bn. euro in 2013. Take off phase: subsidies Quota obligations  Power plant operators receive certificates for their green energy to sell to the actors (distributors) obliged to fulfil the quota obligations.  Selling the certificate provides an additional income on top of the market price of elektricity.  Quota obligations with tradeable certificates. Here government sets the quantity, the market the price.  Compatibility with market principles, competitive price determination. 12 Take off phase: subsidies  High risk premiums – increase policy costs.  Technology neutral way – only the most cost-effective technologies supported (windfall profits for the lower cost technologies). = Quota systems with tradable certificates tend to be cheaper, but favour mature technologies like onshore wind and biomass. 13 Take off phase Feed-in-premium (green bonuses)  Plant operators have to sell the elektricity at the market  To receive a fixed payment for each unit of elektricity generated independent of the market price of elektricity  More market oriented, higher risk for producer (compensated by the level of the premium)  Used sporadically, as a second option to suplement FiTs 14 Subsidy schemes 15 16 RES in EU´s electricity generation  Growth from 14,9% to 26,1% between 2005 and 2013. Due to the increase in non-hydro RES (4,4% - 14,5%).  17 MS producing more than 20% elektricity from RES, 6 MS more than 50%. 17 Results so far…  Final consumption: elektricity 26,1%, heat 15,6%, transport 5,2%. (eurostat). Overall final consumption 14,1% in 2012. (from 8,7% in 2005).  Overal investments in RES around 40 bn. euro annualy.  Employment in RES related sectors – 1,5 million in 2010.  Reduction of costs of key PV and wind technology.  2050 roadmap to a low-carbon economy edvisage a strong growth in RES: 55% - 97% in 2050.  2030 targets: common EU target of 27%, not individual targets. 18 Results so far… 19 Source: Ragwitz Consolidation phase – example of Germany  Die Energiewende – to limit the fossil fuels in favour of RES, later on the phase out of nuclear energy added.  20 Consolidation phase – example of Germany  21 1st problem – cost of subsidies 22 1st problem – cost of subsidies 23 1st problem – cost of subsidies  Sigmar Gabriel, federal minister for economic affairs and energy: “we have reached the limit of what we can ask of our economy”.  In 2013 German consumers paid €21,8 bn in RES subsidies.  FiT for new installations are to be reduced: from 17 to 12 cents/kWh (for onshore wind power to maximally 9 cents/kWh).  Practice of excluding large corporations from burden sharign is to be restricted to operations exposed to forein competition.  But – first instalations (in favourable nature conditions and receptive business environment) in Europe and USA competitive without subsidies. 24 2nd problem – grid expansion  To redistribute the renewable energy from the wind and solar farms in/at the Nord Sea, about 2600km (4600km) of grid expansion need to be realized.  In the beginning of 2014 – 322km completed – protests from regions ensuing landscape degradation with no local economic benefits.  25 2nd problem – grid expansion  26 3rd problem – unreliability of RES  Common interconnected internal market  Back-up capacities of conventional sources  27 28