Introduction }Doctrine: -God in three persons as a mystic experience (Trinity) -Church: community, tradition, the truth -I Vatican Council (1870): papal infallibility - }(infant) Baptism }The Eucharist (1-the Eucharistic Sacrifice, 2-initiation into the Christian community); a crucial element of: adoration, thanksgiving, penance }Confirmation }Penance }Anointing of the sick }Holy Orders }Marriage (main goal: procreation) } }Hell }Heaven }And: Purgatory }1054- split (dogma, power, visions of the church and liturgy) }Western Christianity: theological reasoning, morality, catechism, further definitions }Eastern Christianity: mysticism, theology, philosophy, meditation }Singing (but no music) }Icons (but statues are not worshipped) }Salvation: only in the Church (community) }Baptism: immersion in water }The Eucharist (1-the Eucharistic Sacrifice, 2-initiation into the Christian community) }Confirmation (& baptism) }Penance }Anointing of the sick }Holy Orders }Marriage (divorce: in cases of adultery) } }Reformation: against indulgence, the Church’s economic power and aspirations, moral decline;1517 – Martin Luter’s 95 theses }Salvation through faith (and not the church) }Against the prime role of the pope }Against the Church’s interpretation of the Bible, the hierarchy }1555- peace of Augsburg: cuius regio, eius religio }Universal priesthood (NT) } }2 sacraments: Baptism and Lord’s Supper (to remember God’s sacrifice) }Marriage is not a sacrament }God is present everywhere }Horizontal structure (not everywhere – see Scandinavian churches) }No individual confessions }No cult of the saints }singing, praying, reading (interpretation of the Bible), sermons (preaching) }John Calvin }Salvation through real faith }lay people/clerics – equal position }Church buildings- to gather the believers, no sacred meaning }Against the church tradition }Moral radicalism }The doctrine of predestination: human activity aimed to prove God’s will }Ascetism, pure form } } }Abortion (Pr: mother’s life!) }Euthanasia }Contraception (CC, Orth: marriage à procreation; Prot: sex - also love and pleasure); ban on condoms (interpretation: OT)- with some exceptions }Prohibition of surrogacy }Prohibitagainst homosexual marriages }In-vitro }Adoption }Transplantation (with respect to human body), no risk to someone’s health or life }Cloning and stem-cell research }Medical experiments }Blood transfusion }Cremation } }The Bible + the tradition }Church’s authority }2 basic sacraments: Baptism, the Eucharist }But also: Holy Orders, Marriage, Anointing of the sick }The King/Queen: the head of the church }Episcopal structure }Believer’s baptism (not: infant baptism) through immersion in water }The role of the Bible }Individual faith, reading of the Bible }Trinity }Jesus as the head of the Church }Universal priesthood }Structure: congregations }Separation of church and state }Religious tolerance }Moral radicalism }Proselytism, mission of evangelisation, missionary activity }Salvation through faith }God’s love }Modest life, work }Sophisticated form of sermons, rich musical tradition, preachers }Initially: religion of the lower class }