PRESENTER’S NAME: _____________________ Presentation grading rubric Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Content  Makes critical observations about the theory and clearly explains the nature of the criticism  Bring relevant practical example of points made.  Focuses on 3-4 important points  Could answer questions satisfactorily in the Q&A period (if there are questions).  Makes critical observations about the theory, but the explanation is unclear  The relevance of the example is not made clear  Focuses on too many or too few issues or the points made are not always clear  Could answer some questions satisfactorily in the Q&A period)  Makes no critical points of the presentations and/or explanations are problematic.  Brings no example or the examples are not relevant  Major points of the presentation cannot be identified  Could not answer questions in the Q&A period. Style  The presentation is lively  Interacts with the audience  Keeps the attention of the audience until the end of the class  Only occasionally looks into their notes  The presenter shows some enthusiasm for the presentation topic  There is attempt at interaction  Holds the attention of the audience at least part of the presentation  Speaks with reliance on notes  The presenter shows no enthusiasm for the material presented  There is no interaction with the audience  Loses the attention of the audience  Reads presentation instead of speaking freely Time  Remains within the allotted 15 minutes and the additional 5 minute-long Q&A period (in case there are questions from students)  Distributes presentation time in accordance with the importance of the points raised  Have minor time management problems: presentation is longer or shorter +/- 2 minutes than 15 minutes; cannot answer the most important questions within the Q&A period.  The distribution of time over points is slightly disproportional in comparison to importance of points raised.  The presentation and the Q&A (despite questions) are too long or too short; could not finish in the allotted time  Time is allotted very disproportional compared to the importance of the points made. Assign a score between 0-100(%) to the presentation: ___________________