POL592: Theory of Political Marketing 2 ECTS Lecturers: Robert Ormrod (rormrod@econ.au.dk) Miloš Gregor (mgregor@fss.muni.cz) Date: Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th March 2015 Rooms: Monday: U42, Tuesday: Aula, Wednesday: U34 Assignments: active engagement in the classes, essay. Course objectives: Objective of the course is to present the most relevant theories on political marketing and specific aspects of the research. Knowledge Acquisition: Students will be required to keep up with the required readings, to  attend class sessions, to engage in web research etc. in order to deepen their knowledge base. Critical thinking: Students will be required to use critical thinking skills in order to  evaluate political marketing theories and to apply them throughout the class sessions. Essay: Paper should be written to the course relevant topic, length 3 - 4 pages (5400 - 7200 characters). Longer texts only after consultation with lecturer. The topic of the essay specifies lecturer at the classes. Date of submission: 18th April. Components of evaluation: original authors approach, relevant goals, structure. Grading: A: 100 - 93 B: 92 - 85 C: 84 - 77 D: 76 - 69 E: 68 - 60 F: 59 - 0 60 points essay, 40 points active engagement in the classes (up to 8 points for each lecture). Students have to complete at least 3 of 5 classes. Required literature: Ormrod, R. P., Henneberg, S. C. and O’Shaughnessy, N. J. (2013), Political Marketing: Theories and Concepts. SAGE: London. Course structure: Monday, 16th March, one class (18:45 - 20:15), U42: Political marketing: What is it, and what is it not? (Chapters 3 and 6) Tuesday, 17th March, three classes (13:30 - 18:30), Aula: Political marketing: Exchanges, relationships and stakeholders. (Chapters 2, 4, and 8) Wednesday, 18th March, one class (08:00 - 09:30), U34: Political Marketing: Strategy, market orientation and party organisational structure (Chapter 11. Chapters 9 and 10 are optional) *************************** Robert Ormrod is Associate professor at Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University in Denmark. His main research focus is on Strategic Political Management, that is, how political market orientation can be integrated with party organisational structure, party ideology, and tools and concepts from political marketing. He publishes regularly in peer-reviewed Journals such as Marketing Theory, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Political Marketing and Party Politics. He is a member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Political Marketing and a reviewer for numerous academic Journals in marketing. Robert won the Best Paper Award at the Chester Symposium on Political Marketing (with Heather Savigny). Miloš Gregor is a Ph.D. student at Department of Political Science, FSS MU. His main fields of research are political marketing, branding and youth engagement in politics. As a researcher he was involved in the projects “Kampaň do PSP ČR 2010” (Campaign for the Election of the Czech Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies in 2010) and “Kampaně do Senátu PČR a obecních zastupitelstev 2010” (Campaigns for the election of the Czech Parliament’s Senate and the Municipal Assemblies in 2010), implemented by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies.