ethics.gif BEGINNING WITH THE GREEKS ¢Ethics was the study of what is good for both society and the individual SISSELA BOK ¢Ethical behavior based on: —Empathy —Maintaining social trust BOK – CONT. ¢How do you feel? ¢How do experts on the topic feel? ¢Discuss publicly with all parties. BACK TO ANCIENT GREECE ¢Aristotle’s “Golden Mean” —Virtue (ethical behavior) lies at the mean of two extremes. ¢Courage is at the mean of cowardice and foolhardiness greece.jpg IMMANUEL KANT ¢Categorical imperative —Choices could be universal laws ¢“Do unto others …” JOHN STUART MILL ¢Utilitarianism —Consequences of actions should be considered ¢Greatest good for the greatest number WILLIAM DAVID ROSS ¢Pluralism ¢Competing ethical duties: fidelity, reparation, gratitude, justice, beneficence, self-improvement, not injuring others. COMMUNITARIANISM ¢Community more important than individual, but not trample individual MYTHS OF MEDIA ¢Every opinion is equally valid ¢Since we can’t agree, there is no right answer ¢Ethics doesn’t matter, people act out of self-interest regardless APPLYING THE PHILOSOPHIES ¢Personal values ¢News values edwardsjoke.jpg DONNA FERRATO AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE bboy3.gif donna ferrato1.jpg donna-ferrato-domestic-violence.jpg Ferrato4.jpg Rita_by_Donna_Ferrato_Web.jpg Ferrato-3.jpg