www.ceners.org fb.me/CenterForEnergyStudies Fossil fuels: King Coal Filip Černoch cernoch@mail.muni.cz 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 8000000 9000000 World consumption of coal (thousands of short tons, EIA) History of coal usage • The first known depleted coal mine Fu Shun in China in 1000 BC. 300 BC Theophrastus described combustion of coal in Greece. Romans used coal in 400 BC. • Coal substituted wood (charcoal) in glass and metal production – first energy revolution. • Deforestation of London surroundings in 1200, by 1500 production moved to Ireland, Scotland, Wales. • Coal depletition at Newcastle upon Tyne – spreading the mining activities across the country. • 1352 coal first internationally traded commodity. • Start of industrial revolution, steam engine, production of steel, coke. • In navy shift from sails to steam. • In 1910 coal represented 60% of world energy mix, declining between world wars. Environmental impacts • Mining (opecast/surface mines) – land use, water and air pollution, dust. Impact on biotops and landscape. Noise. Aestethical damages. • Preparation for further processing – removal of impurities – acids, heavy metals, chemicals are released. • Transport – dust from coal, transport-related pollution. • Workers – exposition to the dust and chemicals, mining risks. • Coal combustion – GHG, primary pollutants, smog, acid rains. • Solid waste – ash. Air pollutants and their effects Name Source Effects (esp. on human) Particulate matter (PM) Combustion, industrial processes, wind erosion, atmospheric reactions of gases, transport Respiratory: asthma development (suspected), asthma exacerbation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stunted lung development (PM2.5), lung cancer; Cardiovascular: cardiac arrhythmias, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure (PM2.5). Nervous system: ischemic stroke. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, evaporation of solvents and gasoline, emission from plants Organic chemicals in varied forms (eg. benzene, chlorofluorocarbons…). Carcinogenic, ozone formation Carbon monoxide (CO) Incomplete combustion of fuels Poisonous because of ability to bind to hemoglobin and block oxygen delivery to tissues. Visual impairment, reduced work capacity, reduced manual dexterity, poor learning ability, difficulty in performing complex tasks. Air pollutants and their effects Name Source Effects (esp. on human) Nitrogen oxides (NOx) Combustion of fuels Asthma development (suspected), asthma exacerbation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stunted lung development; cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic stroke. Reacts with VOCs in sunlight to form ground- level ozone Increases an amount of nitrogen in soil and country – change of diversity. In aquasystems causes eutrophication. Increases acidity of soil and water. Sulfur oxides (SOx) Combustion of sulfurcontaining fuels (coal) Can affect respiratory system and lung functions, aggravation of asthma and chronic bronchitis, make people more prone to infections of the respiratory tract; irritation of eyes; cardiac disease aggravated; ischemic stroke risk. Contributes acid rain. Other elements Nickel, mercury, arsen, chromium, cadmium, lead, florine, chlorine Follow-up pollution • London smog • Smoke and fog, typically in winter (combination with inversion). SO2 + PM (soot) + vater wapour = transport of gaseous matters of smog to the lungs. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSlwGIapFJI • Photochemical smog • Primary pollutants (NOx + Volatile Organic Compounds created during fossil fuel combustion) interacts under the influence of sunlight = ozon O3 plus other pollutants. • Ozone – bronchial constriction, coughing, wheezing, respiratory irritation, eye irritation, decreased crop yields, retars plant growth, damages plastics,… • Accid rains • Acidic rains caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide = with water produce acids. Emissions Amount of pollutants (in tons per 1TWh – 1000MW plant for 1000hrs) SO2 2600 NOx 2800 CO2 1 200 000 Representative 1000MW coal power plant = 6 million tons of CO2 per year = ekvivalent of 2 million cars. Plus 2 670 000 tons of ash. In CR production of around 40 TWh of electricity from coal, installed capacity around 11 700 MW. (2014). Health impacts of coal combustion Externalities • A consequence of an economic aktivity that is experienced by unrelated third parties. An externality can be either positive or negative. • (Pigovian) taxes/subsidies • Regulations • Ownership rights Coase theorem • If trade in an externality is possible and there are sufficiently low transaction costs, bargaining will lead to an efficient outcome regardless of the initial allocation of property. Coase theorem Uneffective if:  there are many affected parties, so it is expensive to coordinate the necessary contracts for the sale of property rights.  one person can block the sale, regardless of the costs actually imposed on them.  enforcement of the contract is too expensive, such as the costs of court proceedings if there is a breach of contract.  the costs of monitoring the offending behavior are high. Situation in the Czech Republic Situation in the Czech Republic Externalities of electricity production 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 Dětmarovice Počerady Hodonín Mělník II Mělník III Mělník I Poříčí Tisová I, II Prunéřov I Prunéřov II Ledvice Tušimice II Chvaletice Kč/kWh budovy a materiály zemědělská produkce nemocnost úmrtnost změna klimatu Source: Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK Price of electricity in 2003 – 3-5 kč/kWh In Kč/kWh for selected energy sources in 2003 Solution of the ´coal problem´? • Source substitution • Higher efficiency of coal combustion • Reduction of coal pollutants during the process Sources • IEA: Medium Term Coal Market Report 2015 • EIA: International Energy Statistics, 2015. • HEAL: The Unpaid Helth Bill: How Coal Power Plants Make Us Sick, 2013