Syllabus Psychology of Self-knowledge Spring Semester, 2016 Instuctor: Olexandra Loshenko, Ph.D. Email: Targeted Students: This course is intended for students from undergraduate level who are pursuing a degree related to Psychology. Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is to acquire basic concepts, principles of the psychology of Self-knowledge: · to formulate ideas about own psychological features, about the emotional world of the individual, to familiarize students with the basic theories of self-knowledge, self-understanding, self-help, self-management, the ability to understand themselves and the other person; · to formulate ability to use their knowledge in practice. Goals for Students: · Students are expected to know about basic categories and methods of self-knowledge, features of introspection and regulation of individual states, the vital resources of the individual; features of personal and spiritual growth. · Students are expected to be familiar with recent empirical findings on the area of emotional self-understanding. · Students will be able to use methodological procedures of analysis and self-analysis emotional space of the individual life path. Course Format: Course will be conducted in the combined form of lectures (30-45 minutes) and seminars (45-60 minutes). Every week, students are required to read one academic article. During the first half of each class, the instructor will conduct a lecture. During the second half of the class, he will lead class discussions based on material prepared by students, acquainting with the methodical tools. Summary of requirements: · Class attendance · A list of questions based on on the reading during the course · Essay based on the views of N. Berdyaev about self-knowledge · Emotional portrait of personality. The final rank will be based on the sum of the listed requirements. Main topics: · Self-knowledge: basic approaches to the understanding. · Connection between self-knowledge and psychological categories (self-understanding, self-attitude, self-regulation). · Emotional self-awareness of personality. · Emotional intelligence as a phenomenon of modern psychology. · Modern methods of self-knowledge and self-management. · Searching for harmony as a way of self-knowledge Recommended reading · Berdyaev N. (2009) Self-Knowledge: An Essay in Autobiography. Semantron Press. · Carroll E. Izard, Jerome Kagan, Robert B. Zajonc (1988) Emotions, Cognition, and Behavior. Cambridge University Press. · Ekman, P. (1972). Universals and Cultural Differences in Facial Expressions of Emotions. In Cole, J. (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (pp. 207-282). Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press. · Goleman D. (1996) Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York Times. · Heatherton Todd F., Wyland Carrie L. (2003) Assessing Self-Esteem. Positive psychological assessment: A handbook of models and measures. , (pp. 219-233). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association, xvii, 495 pp. · Horney K. (1942) Self-Analysis. New York, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. · Hoyle, Rick H. (2010) Handbook of personality and self-regulation. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. · Irene Lopatovska, Ioannis Arapakis (2010) Theories, methods and current research on emotions in library and information science, information retrieval and human–computer interaction. Information Processing and Management. · Keltner, D. & Ekman, P. (2000). Facial Expression of Emotion. In Lewis, M. & Haviland-Jones, J. (Eds.), Handbook of emotions, 2nd edition (pp. 236-249). New York: Guilford Publications, Inc. · McPheat Sean (2010) Emotional Intelligence. MTD Training & Ventus Publishing ApS.