Street Codes, Violence, and Status Struggles SOC604: Lecture III Joseph D. Lewandowski • Street Codes, Violence, and Status Struggles •Street codes as effects of structural violence • •Street codes as ‘deviant, anti-social attitudes’ that are apparently related to violent behavior • •Synopsis of street code argument(p.1-3) • Street Codes, Violence, and Status Struggles •Respect and Disrespect in the Urban Milieu • * In sites of profound scarcity, struggles over status and respect are acute • • * Young people who experience racial discrimination are more likely to engage in violent behavior • • • Street Codes, Violence, and Status Struggles •Key causal factors in the adoption of street codes: • * Neighborhood versus ‘the hood’ (embeddedness within an institutionalized ghetto) • * Ethno-racial discrimination (including repeated encounters with police) • * Family socialization: street versus decent • • • • Street Codes, Violence, and Status Struggles •Reflexivity and street code adoption? • * Complex entwinement of reflexive choices and actions (code-selecting and switching); and durable constraints/structural violence in which such choices and actions are embedded • * Dialectic of actions (violent or otherwise) and structures (violent or otherwise) • • Street Codes, Violence, and Status Struggles •Conclusions • * Being raised in a “decent” family appears to lower the risk of being involved in violence • * Street families use the threat of violence (the ‘code’)as a form of deterrence • * Experience with ethno-racial discrimination significantly predicted self-reported violent behavior • • •