MVZ247 Exam Study Guide The following are potential short-essay questions on the final exam. There are a total of 10. On the final exam there will be 5. Write in complete sentences using information and examples from the lectures. 1. The earliest forms of Israeli foreign policy was gaining financial and political recognition in support for a Jewish home. How did the various streams of Zionism both help and hurt those efforts? 2. How might the Begin Doctrine and the Sampson Option no longer be viable options for Israeli foreign policy in the 21st Century? 3. Explain how the ideals of Zionist Revisionism has been compromised since 1977? 4. How has the EU-Israeli relationship evolved from one of ally-to-feud-to-open hostility? 5. The US-Israeli relationship has been discussed rather extensively. What is one positive and one negative variable for Israel in recent decades? 6. What are the various strategies and lessons for Israel in fighting terrorism in the 21st Century? 7. Explain how the 1970s altered both US-Israeli foreign policies and their relationships? 8. How did the war in 1967 have a significant impact for Israeli foreign policy? 9. Why was reparations from Germany to Israel such a controversial policy? 10. The idea of Israel increasing cooperation with certain Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt has been discussed. What might be some ‘side-benefits’ for Israel in the future decades with such improved relations?