titl CZ OPVK_MU_rgb Název prezentace v zápatí 1 Media Society and Culture zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 2 Frankfurt School * The Institute for Social Research, part of the University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany * * founded in 1924 and was devoted to the study of scientific Marxism * * Theodor W. Adorno (philosopher, sociologist and musicologist) * Walter Benjamin (essayist and literary critic) * Herbert Marcuse (philosopher) * Max Horkheimer (philosopher, sociologist) * Erich Fromm (Freudian analyst ) * Jürgen Habermas (philosopher and social theorist) * * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 3 Frankfurt School * Main historical influences: * The failure of proletarian revolutions in Western Europe, and the successful 1917 revolution in Russia * The rise of European Fascism * Dominance of Monopoly Capitalism • •“Critical theory” Critical of what? * Current social conditions to bring hidden structures to light * From political-economy determinism to mutual shaping among politics-economy-culture * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 4 Culture Industry * Adorno & Horkheimer * Movies and radio need no longer pretend to be art, The truth that they are just business is made into an ideology * * Interested parties explain the culture industry in technological terms…No mention is made of the fact that the basis on which technology acquires power over society is greatest. * * Use value -> Exchange Value • * ‘Genuine’ or ‘autonomous’ art VS the products of the culture industry (Standardization) * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 5 * Culture Industry * * Art can provide an alternate vision of reality * The radical character of autonomous art stems not from its content but from its form * * Culture Industry - The triumph of instrumental reason over the role of culture * * Standardized art does nothing to stimulate critical social reflection. Rather, it creates standardized responses. * Extinguishing the revolutionary potential of the masses, by providing relief from the stresses of life under capitalism through brief and surface level distractions * Culture Industry cements its audience to the status quo, and transforms culture itself into an ideological medium of domination * * * * * zahlavi CZ Název prezentace v zápatí 6 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/view/