Department of Political Science Faculty of Social Studies Masaryk University Joštova 10, Brno Czech Republic CDS 441 Far Right and Left Parties – syllabus Věra Stojarová, PhD., Mgr. Lucie Bohdalová Overview of the course: The course focuses on the European far right and left parties. The module offers an understanding of far right and left party families in Europe, definition, identification, explanatory models, coherent conceptual and empirical framework to study party families. Organization of the course The course is aimed at the students enrolled in the Ma. Studies of the CDS. The course is valued with 7 credits. The course consists of lectures and seminar sessions. Grading 1) Presentation and leading further discussion (10 points, therefore 10 %) 2) Paper (20 points, therefore 20 %) 3) Pass the test (63 points, therefore 70 % ) Evaluation: A. 93-84 points B. 83-76 points C. 75-69 points D. 68-61 points E. 60-55 points F. > 54 points Presentation: Student chooses one topic out of the syllabus, presents it and is obliged to accelerate and lead further discussion. Time for one presentation is 10-15 min. Paper: Analysis of a far right/left party, 10 pages with citations and bibliography (one page contains 1 800 characters with spaces). Paper must be uploaded to the information system no later than 21^st May 2018 12:00. Test: Questions focused on the problems presented in the assigned readings and/or discussed in the lectures and seminars. 63 points in total. Course structure: 1. Introduction into the module. Organization of the course. 19^th February 2018, U34 2. LECTURE: Conceptualisation of far right and far left. Terminology. 26 February 2018, U34 Obligatory Literature: (78 pp) · Mudde, Cas. (2007) Populist radical right parties in Europe (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 11-89 (78 pp.) (FSS MU library) · Recommended Literature: · Cas Mudde. The Study of Populist Radical Right Parties: Towards a Fourth Wave, University of Oslo and University of Georgia. (22 pp). At tudy%20of%20Populist%20Radical%20Right%20Parties.pdf. · Melzer, Ralf, Serafin, Sebastian (eds.) Right Wing Extremism in Europe. Berlin: FES, 255-281 (26 pp).At f. SEMINAR: 1) State Immigration policies 2) Ayaan Hirsi Ali, fighting for women’s rights or against Islam, FGM as a cultural right or violation of basic human rights? 3) Pim Fortuyn 3. LECTURE: Far Right: Case study France, Italy, Belgium, UK. 5^th March 2018, U34 Literature: (47 pp.) · RUUD KOOPMANS & JASPER MUIS. The rise of right-wing populist Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands: A discursive opportunity approach. European Journal of Political Research 48: 642–664, 2009. (22 pp) · Jasper de Raadt, David Hollanders and André Krouwel. Conceptualising Populism Analysing the level and type of populism of four European Parties. At (25 pp) SEMINAR: 4) Lega Nord 5) Vlaams Blok 6) UKIP 4. LECTURE: Far Right in Austria (FPO, BZO), Germany and Switzerland 12^th March 2018 Literature: (41 pp) · Damir Skenderovic. The Swiss Radical Right in Perspective. A Reevaluation of Success Conditions in Switzerland. Paper for the Workshop on ‘Democracy and the New Extremist Challenge in Europe’ ECPR Joint sessions of Workshops (Grenoble, April 6-11, 2001). At (26 pp). · Pippa Norris. The Rise of the Radical Right: Parties and electoral competition in postindustrial societies. At (15 pp) SEMINAR: 1) Die Republikaner 2) Alternative fuer Deutschland 3) Swiss Volkspartei 5. LECTURE: Far Right in Central Europe: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic. 19^th March 2018, U34 Literature: (25 pp) · Mareš, Miroslav and Havlík, Vratislav (2016). Jobbik´s successes. An analysis of its success in a comparative context of the V4 countries. In: Communist and post-communist studies. In Press. Pp. 1-11. · Mareš, Miroslav (2011). Czech Extreme Right Parties An unsuccessful Story. In: Communist and Post-Communist studies. 44, 2011. Pp. 283-298. SEMINAR: 1) Radio Maria 6. LECTURE: Scandinavian: Swedish democrats SD, 26^th March 2018, lecture by Lucie Bohdalová Literature: (39 pp) · Andersson, Jenny. Nordic Nostalgia and Nordic Light: the Swedish model as Utopia 1930-2007. Scandinavian Journal of History [online]. 2009, 34 (3), 229-245 [cit. 2018-02-16]. DOI: 10.1080/03468750903134699. ISSN 03468755. (16 pp) · Guardian. 2015. Anti-immigration, anti-liberal: meet Sweden's far-right future – video: video · Mulinari, Diana, and Anders Neergaard. 2014. We Are Sweden Democrats Because We Care for Others: Exploring Racisms in the Swedish Extreme Right. European Journal of Women’s Studies 21(2): 43–56. (13 pp) · Towns, Ann, Erika Karlsson, and Joshua Eyre. 2014. The Equality Conundrum: Gender and Nation in the Ideology of the Sweden Democrats. Party Politics 20(2): 237–247. (10 pp) SEMINAR: 1) True Finns 2) Progress Party in Norway 3) Danish Peoples Party 7. LECTURE: Far Right: Balkans, 9^th April 2018, U34 Literature: 109 pp. Stojarova, Věra (2013). The Far Right in the Balkans. Manchester: MUP. 8-117 (109 pp). SEMINAR: 1) Golden Dawn 2) Serbian Radical Party 3) Croatian Party of the Rights 8. LECTURE: Far Left in Western Europe 16^th April 2018, U34 Literature: (130 pp) · Chiocchetti. The Radical Left Party Family in Western Europe, 1989-2015. Routledge 2017, 29-81 pp., 123-200. SEMINAR: 1) Greece Communist Party 2) Die Linke 3) Synapsismos (Greece) 4) Sinn Fein 5) Scottish Socialist Party 6) Socialist Party Netherlands 9. LECTURE: Far Left in Eastern Europe, 23^rd April 2018, U34 Literature: (86 pp) · Fagerholm, Andreas. What is Left for radical Left?. Available online at (30 pp) · March, Luke. Contemporary Far Left Parties in Europe. From Marxism to the Mainstream: Berlin: Fridrich Ebert Stiftung 2008. At (21 pp) · Agh, Attila. The political tsunami in East-Central Europe: Radical Left protest parties and social movements in Hungary. Conference in Bruxelles 2016. At -Central_Europe_Radical_Left_protest_parties_and_social_movements_in_Hungary/links/575e5be108ae9a9c 955a77a3.pdf?origin=publication_detail. (35 pp.) SEMINAR: 1) Communist Party of Slovakia 2) Association of Slovak Workers 3) Socialist Party of Latvia 4) Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia 5) Worker Communist Party of Kurdistan 10. LECTURE: The German Far Left: a success story, 30^th April 2018, U34, lecture by Lucie Bohdalová Literature: (59 pp) · Chiocchetti. The Radical Left Party Family in Western Europe, 1989-2015. Routledge 2017, 81-123 pp. (42pp) · Vail M. Left of Eden: The Changing Politics of Economic Inequality in Contemporary Germany. German Politics [serial online]. December 2009;18(4): 559-576. (17 pp) SEMINAR: 1) Portuguese Communist Party 2) Communist Party of Spain 3) Progressive Party of Working People (Cyprus) 11. LECTURE: Asian communism, 7^th May 2018, Lucie Bohdalová Obligatory literature (63 pp): · Bryant, J. Communism, Poverty, and Demographic Change in North Vietnam. Population and Development Review. 24, 2, 235-269, June 1998. ISSN: 00987921. (34 pp) · Mueller, John E. 1980. The Search for the ‘Breaking Point’ in Vietnam: The Statistics of a Deadly Quarrel.” International Studies Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 4, 1980, pp. 497–519. (22 pp) · Westrup, Laurel. Toward a new canon: The Vietnam Conflict Through Vietnamese Lenses. Film [online]. 2006, 36(2) [cit. 2018-02-16]. ISSN 03603695. (7 pp) Optional Sources: · Kihl, Y. (1994). The Cultural Dimension and Context of North Korean Communism. Korean Studies, 18, 139-157. (18 pp) · Red Chinese Battle Plan for World Domination. US documentary (1967): Seminar: 1) 'Full Metal Jacket'- critique or celebration of the ideology of the U.S. Marine Corps? How would you politically evaluate the film’s representation of Vietnam? (the movie is available on DVD in the library of the Faculty of Social Studies MU). 2) Mao Zedong's Communist Party of China 3) Comparison of the Soviet and Chinese communist party in 1950s-1960s 12. LECTURE: Far Left in Latin America (FARC, Shining Path, Zapatistas) 14^th May 2018, U34 Literature: (15 pp.) · Gordon H Mc Cornic. The Shining Path and the Future of Peru. National Defence Research Institute. Santa Monika: 1990. Pp. 1-15. At Seminar: 1) Tupamaros 13. Pre-term test Paper: Workers party of Algeria (French!) Communist Party of Belarus Workers ‘party of Belgium Movement for Socialism (Bolivia) Democratic Revolution (Chile) Communist Party of China Communist Party of Cuba Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Front People´s Progressive Party (Guyana) Workers Party of Korea Laos Revolutionary Party Communist Party of Nepal Sandinista National Liberation Front (Nicaragua) Sinn Fein Podemos Uruguay communist Party Communist Party of Vietnam Socialist Party of Venezuela Vlaams Blok VMRO Ataka ELAM FN HSP Golden Dawn FPŐ Jobbik Kotleba´s party SNS Strana přímé demokracie Greater Romania Party Dveri Spanish Falanga British National Party