Pierre Bourdieu: The Forms of Capital Martina Bořutová, Tereza Holotíková and Michaela Vaisová Pierre Bourdieu uPierre Bourdieu was born in 1930 in southern France uHe received classical philosophical education uBourdieu changed relatively soon philosophy for social sciences uBourdieu published about thirty books uHis work is the result of the synthesis of the knowledge ethnological field research with a theoretical concept uStructuralism and existentialism Bourdieu rejected uBourdieu is considered as a poststructuralist uHis sociological views were formed of his own experience and life career u u Timeline of Pierre Bourdieu uBourdieu began his scientific career as an ethnologist of the Maghreb community uIn the 1960s he continued ethnological study of rituals, kinship and social change in Kabyle uSince 1964 Bourdieu worked as a professor of sociology at the École pratique des hautes études en sciences sociales uDuring the seventies, he continued to research a wide range of interconnected themes, such as culture, class, and power uIn 1975 he founded a periodical Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales uFrom 1981 until his death in 2002, he worked as a professor of sociology at the College de France u Pierre Bourdieu – Main Ideas uBourdieu in his work presents an original synthesis of theory, methodology and epistemology uBourdieu says the social world has its own objective and subjective side uSociology according Bourdieu is not only a reconstruction of objective relationships, but also researching of the subjective experience and orientation of the participants uThe concept of Bourdieu consists of several basic concepts such as habitus, field, and capital uThe term habitus indicates to the appearance, the image, the way of expression and the unusualness of the personal style of behavior uWith this concept is related a term of dispositions, which means a tendency to certain behavior uPractice forming from habitus is realized in a structured framework called a field u u The forms of capital uWhat is capital? u uEconomical capital uSocial capital uCultural capital uThe embodied state uThe objectified state uThe institutionalized state u uhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DBEYiBkgp8&t=3s u Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste uCulture – anthropological sense uCultural capital - A person's education (knowledge and intellectual skills) that provides advantage in achieving a higher social-status in society uSociety as a judge uClass fractions uTaste u Is the institutionalized state (which includes diploma or degree) important today? Does society respect more economical or social capital (it means for example relationships)? Resources uBOURDIEU, Pierre. The Forms of Capital [online]. 1986 [cit. 2018-04-15]. Dostupné z: https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/1423/jaro2018/ZUR436/um/readings/week_9/bourdieu_forms_of_capital.pdf uŠUBRT, Jiří. Postavy a problémy soudobé teoretické sociologie: sociologické teorie druhé poloviny 20. století. Praha: ISV, 2001. Sociologie (ISV). ISBN 80-858-6677-3. uRŮŽIČKA, Michal a Petr VAŠÁT. Základní koncepty Pierra Bourdieu: pole – kapitál –habitus. AntropoWebzin [online]. 2011 [cit. 2018-04-15]. Dostupné z: http://www.soc.cas.cz/sites/default/files/publikace/ruzicka-vasat-2-2011.pdf uLACHMANN, Filip. Loïc Wacquant: teorie a dílo Pierra Bourdieu [online]. 2012 [cit. 2018-04-15]. Dostupné z: http://socialniteorie.cz/loic-wacquant-teorie-a-dilo-pierra-bourdieu/#ref2 uPierre Bourdieu. In: Culture on the Edge [online]. 2015 [cit. 2018-04-16]. Dostupné z: https://edge.ua.edu/tag/pierre-bourdieu/ u u