paint_transparent1.png Queer Theory Alana Fiero, Tomáš Hambálek, and Fabián Sosa paint_transparent1.png The Beginning ×1990s, Teresa de Laurentis ×Roots ×Gay and Lesbian activism ×AIDs activism ×Feminism ×Poststructuralist theory 2 paint_transparent4.png 3 Key Concepts ×Challenge heteronormativity ×Deconstruct social norms ×Interdisciplinary and intersectional ×Race, gender, class, etc. paint_transparent1.png ×Michael Foucault ×Gayle Rubin ×Eve Kosofsky Sedwick ×Judith Butler 4 Additional Contributions paint_transparent4.png 5 Readings ×Susanne Freimüller ×Adrienne Shaw paint_transparent1.png “Queer” term ×A vague umbrella term ×Unifies different sexual identities that are not normative ×Ignoring other differences (race, class…) ×Solidifies the binary conservative approach paint_transparent1.png Categorization in Relation to Sexual Identity Binary conception -Heterosexual -Queer paint_transparent4.png “Masculine Continuum” (Halberstam, 1998) ●Borders between identities ●Overlapping of identities can cause border wars ○Lesbians - FTMs paint_transparent1.png Categorization Involves two different processes ×being categorized by outsiders ×being categorized by oneself This categorization may contradict ×One can identify as a man, but pre-transition look to society as a butch (masculine lesbian) paint_transparent1.png Putting the Gay in Games: Cultural production and GLBT ×Critics to the evolution narrative of GLBT representation דGaymers” tend to think it will come gradually. ×Stakeholders invest money in queer representation ×Western world based study. ×In Japan and Korea ,games with homoerotic content is more common. ×Video games are not seen as children’s toys. paint_transparent1.png Stereotypical representation ×Members of the collective would prefer not to be represented at all than to be represented stereotypically ×Representation pretends to normalize and make these identities more common ×Symbolic annihilation paint_transparent4.png Money first ●Game companies fear that if their product is labelled as “gay” or “queer” on the market, they might miss sales from the heterosexual majority. paint_transparent1.png How to represent them ×When you need a character to hold a gun or kill zombies, developers may not pay much attention to their sexual orientation ×Shaw suggests adding queer characteristics just in case it benefits the game itself. ×Having a game just about being queer could be counterproductive paint_transparent1.png 14 Future & Conclusion ×Constantly transforming ×Fear that it has already peaked ×Any questions? paint_transparent1.png Works Cited 15