ORIENTALISM EDWARD W. SAID Monika Forethová Volkan Yalvacli Yessenia Lizbeth Soto Castro EDWARD WADIE SAID •Born on 1 November 1935, Jerusalem. •Founder of the academic field of postcolonial studies. •Influenced by Gramsci, Foucault, Fanon, Césaire and Adorno. Resultado de imagen ORIENTALISM •'Edward' is the name of British, 'Said' is a arabic name. •1948 Israel established, 1967 first war between Palestine and Israel. (Colonel Bagshot -Six Day War 1971) •Princeton & Harvard University •1978 – Orientalism •Died in New York, 2003. • • kişi, fotoğraf, açık hava, bina içeren bir resim Çok yüksek güvenilirlikle oluşturulmuş açıklama kişi, adam, duvar, bina içeren bir resim Çok yüksek güvenilirlikle oluşturulmuş açıklama kişi, adam, fotoğraf, kıyafet içeren bir resim Çok yüksek güvenilirlikle oluşturulmuş açıklama Before the Book and Term of ‘Orientalism’ • Good or Bad ‘Orientalist’ • Thomas Edward Lawrence or Arab Lawrence • Artists, painters, writers.. • They cannot represent themselves; they must be represented. -Karl Marx • metin, bina, fotoğraf, duvar içeren bir resim Çok yüksek güvenilirlikle oluşturulmuş açıklama ORIENTALISM - 1978 •Known for the book ORIENTALISM, a critique of the cultural representations that are the bases of orientalism (how the Western world perceives the Orient). •Living in the Western Region as a native of the Arab •Applied his education and bi-cultural perspective to illuminating the gaps of cultural and political understanding between the Easter and Western world. ORIENTALISM •The relationship between Occident and Orient is a relationship of power, of domination, of varying degrees of a compex hegemony. •Orientalism for information or Orientalism for dominate ? •As a Western style for dominating restructuring, and having authority over the Orient ORIENTALISM •1 - Academic study field (Orient languages and literatures) •2- Is a style of thought based upon and ontological and epistemological distinction made between “the Orient” and most of the time “the Occident”. •3- Corporate institution • • • metin içeren bir resim Çok yüksek güvenilirlikle oluşturulmuş açıklama Occidentalism •Criticizes the rationalism, individualism and mechanization (industrialization) in the West. THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN PURE AND POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE •Be nonpolitical or not? •Historical connection •The importance of three great imperiums Výsledek obrázku pro britske kolonie orient THE METHODOLOGICAL QUESTION •Starting point of his project •British, French and American experience •British and French orientalism Výsledek obrázku pro orientalismus Výsledek obrázku pro orient THE PERSONAL DIMENSION •Personal historical circumstances •Stereotypes, racism, dehumanizing ideology, anti-semitism, cultural dominance •Raymond Williams - „unlearning of the inherent dominative mode“ • Výsledek obrázku pro islam OTHER CONCEPTS •Zygmunt Bauman, Tim May – „We“ and „others“ •Michel Foucalt, Jacques Derrida – „They“ •Theodor Adorno – Authoritarian society •Norbert Elias - Theory of established and outsiders Výsledek obrázku pro identita ORIENTALISM THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION • • • •Monika Forethová, Volkan Yalvacli, Yessenia Lizbeth Soto Castro • Görsel sonucu