The history and basics of Islam I. Islamic Political Thought (BSS474) Josef Kraus Výsledek obrázku pro muhammad Pre-Islamic Era nArabian peninsula, 6th century nNomadic society, tribal and clan society, lack of agriculture, natural resources exploitation, traditional religions blood feud - influence of Judaism and Christianity nCity of Mecca ¡Center of religion (Ka’aba – center of religious pilgrimage), business and politics ¡Quraysh tribe in lead ¡Many local clans compete for power (Banu Umayya – the most important) Výsledek obrázku pro muhammad ka'aba Muhammad n*570 AD Banu (clan) Hashim nMarried to Khadija -> daughter Fatimah n610 AD – First vision of God (archangel Jibril), Muhammad started his preaching nIncreasing of influence within Mecca, deal with Banu Umayya “satanic verses” nProtection by uncle Abu Talib ends by his death 619 AD n622 AD – Muhammad escaped Mecca (Hijra- migration) and moved to Yathrib (Medina) Výsledek obrázku pro muhammad preaching Muhammad nEstablishment of the first Islamic state (caliphate) n624 AD – conquest of surrounding area nWeakening of Mecca, strengthening of Medina -> periodic pilgrimage to Ka’aba n630 AD – the conquest of Mecca n632 AD - Muhammad died in hands of his beloved wife A‘isha n Výsledek obrázku pro muhammad conquest mecca The Contest for Power and Reign nMuhammad without man‘s descendant nDispute about an election of the new leader ¡Banu Umayya vs. Ali ibn Talib nAbu Bakr (M.‘s father-in-law) elected as first Muslim caliph nFollowers of Ali disagree (Shi‘at Ali) nStrong expansion and conquest of Arabian peninsula, Syria and Palestine n634 AD Abu Bakr died The Contest for Power and Reign nElected Umar (634 – 644) as successor nCreation of the first administrative system in IS nDisrimination of non-Arabic Muslims nMilitarization of politics – conquest of Persia and whole Near East nIntervention into religion – prohibition of recording and narration of Muhammad‘s traditions - Quran is enough The Contest for Power and Reign nUthman (644 – 656) – elected nSuspension of territorial expansion ¡Islamic state is too big to be controlled ¡Necessity of local governance (Mu‘awiyah in Syria) nCodification of Quran (651 – 656) in Quraysh Arabic nGrowing opposition for Ali supporters – ummah cleavages nUthman killed by rioters nAli ibn Talib finally elected Rashidun Caliph Uthman ibn Affan - عثمان بن عفان ثالث الخلفاء الراشدين.svg The Contest for Power and Reign nAli reign (656 – 661) – a prophet relative nElected, but not respected by provinces ruled by Ummayas (Mu‘awiyah in Damascus) + opposition by A‘isha nCivil war – 656 Battle of the Camel nAli weak politician and leader nMu‘awiyah continued fight, controled Syria and Egypt n661 Ali murdered in a mosque in Najaf by Kharijites n QjBwwAA& rUYClK8iBhQf94oCADw&psig=AFQjCNGBdJjcwialzqQl1vUSKnTevdsYvw&ust=1361871074763173 The Contest for Power and Reign nMu‘awiyah established (hereditary) Umayya dynasty ruling from Damascus (not Medina) nHassan ibn Ali conciliated with Mu‘awiyah ¡Promised respect of Shias ¡Promised election of next caliph nHassan left politics, got retired (+669) nHusayn (Hossein) ibn Ali head of Shias nMu‘awiyah broke promise about election ¡Caliphate leadership for his son Yazid n QjBwwAA& w%2F44%2F28273-imam-hussein.jpg&ei=yy0rUdn8PM6IhQeA3oGYBQ&psig=AFQjCNHYwHCgZdnl8H7WuZhaZCpKdEAiVA&u st=1361870668044744 The Contest for Power and Reign n680 Mu‘awiyah died, Husayn refused obedience to Yazid nExpedition of Yazid for punishing Husayn and restore power over region nHusay left Medina to Kufa nCaught and massacred close to Karbala - Ashura n2nd shahid of Shias -> the cult of martyrs Husayniyeh Ashura celebration n n n Caliphate vs. Imamate nShias follow prophet‘s blood line (Ahl al-Bayt) nHusayn ibn Ali last „imam“ adored by all Shias ¡separation of Zaidiyyah – Husayn‘s granson Zayd nFollowing imams - Ali ibn Husayn (father of Zayd), Muhammad ibn Ali (al-Báqir), Ja‘far ibn Muhammad… nSeparation of Ismaili (following Ismail ibn Ja‘far) X Musa ibn Ja‘far (followed by majority of Shias) nAli ibn Musa al-Reza (Ali Reza), Muhammad Jawad, Ali Hadi, Hasan Askari, Muhammad bin Hasan (al-Mahdi) – twelver Shias Mahdi – The Hidden Imam n*869 - ? nDisappeared – The Occultation nFirst the small occultation ¡Communicated with four chosen representatives for 72 years n941 – The great occulation ¡No contact or communication nAt the end of the time al-Mahdi come back to our world with prophet Isa nMahdi = messiah Caliphate vs. Imamate nSunnis follow caliphs from Mu‘awiya, Yazid… nHereditary Umayyad dynasty nMu‘awiya II (ibn Yazid) had no son nMarwan I (cousin of Uthman), Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Al-Walid… until Marwan II (+750) nThe end of Umayyad Caliphate nReplaced by Abbasid caliphs Výsledek obrázku pro umayyad dynasty Another Important Islamic Sects nIsmailis – close to Shias, follow the line until imam Ismail; no hidden imam, having the line to present time (Aga Khan – 49th imam), in Persian Gulf and Near East states, India, Pakistan… n nDruze – esoteric ethnoreligious group, creation in 11th century. Absorption of Abrahamic relig. Rigid, secretive, use of taqiyya. n nAlawites – twelver Shias, highly secular, living in Syria, Turkey… Another Important Islamic Sects nZaidiyyah – Zayd, granson of Husayn; Imam should protest against tyrany, living mainly in Yemen nBaha'ism– founded by Bahá'u'lláh in 19th-century Persia, based on Shia and Persian tradition, illegal in Iran nSufisms „Islamic mysticisms“, meditation, natural science, ascetism – strong in Iran, Egypt etc. n Another Important Islamic Sects nWahhabism nSalafism nIbadism nAhmadiyya movement nGülen / Hizmet movement nLiberal Muslim movements… n Výsledek obrázku pro islamic sects map Time for Q&A